Page 186 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 186


                                                 CHAPTER TV.
                      Administration report of tite Consular District of Bandar Arras and Linoaif
                                               for tiie year 1933.
                         Tits Majesty’s Consul.—Captain C. II. Lincoln, O.B.E., hold charge through­
                      out. the year.
                                               Local Government.
                         Bandar Abbas.—A glia Ismail Khan Bahadur held the charge of Governornto
                     for the whole year under report.
                         As per last year’s report, the Governor is invariably the President of the
                     Municipality and as such he has in reality no administrative duties, as all the
                     different departments are now in existence with their respective powers.
                         Although steady and cautious, being in the past a military officev, he
                     generally lacks the talent of a civil officer and therefore is to a certain extent
                     unpopular with the Municipal Board of which he is the President.
                         Undoubtedly he has shown energetic activities in connection with the
                     improvement of the town, especially the construction of a Ivhyaban (avenue)
                     and water supply through the qanat system. But lack of funds has unfor­
                     tunately suspended work for the former, and for the latter he is doing his utmost
                     for the funds for its completion.
                         His Excellency Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Talcqani, Governor of the Gulf
                     ports, visited Bandar Abbas, Minab, Kishm and Hen jam in June.
                         A party of Government Inspectors consisting of eight officials with Sartip
                     Abdul Nassau Pour-c-Zand, as head of the Commission, arrived from Tehran
                     and Kerman on the 3rd and proceeded by Naval Motor Dhow to Jask on the
                     5th and Charbar on the 14th January 1934. During their stay at Oharbar,
                     they were engaged in making enquiries into various reports and complaints
                     made bv the local officials to their respective departments against each other,
                     the chief causes of unrest, and the exodus of nearly a thousand inhabitants from
                     Charbar to- British Baluchistan, which, it appears, have aroused the attention
                     of the higher authorities in Tehran. They have removed Sultan Jangju, the
                     Officer Commanding and Aqai Scpasdar, the Director of Customs at Charbar,
                     who are said to be the important men and chief cause of turmoil. Further, a
                     large quantity of sugar, foreign liouor and cigarettes, which were imported by
                    the overland route from Gwadur by Sultan Jangju and stored in Military
                    godowns were confiscated through the help of the Customs officials there. As
                    a result of this, Sultan Jangju was arrested and detained in the Military
                    barracks at Bandar Abbas prior to his and the Director of Customs, Charbar,
                    being sent to Bushire for trial.
                        The Commission returned to Bandar Abbas from Charbar on the 25th
                    January 1934. During their stay they have inspected all the departments,
                    and finally left for Lingali on the 8th February 1934.
                        A Military Commission consisting of two officers came from Tehran to
                    inspect Military and Amnich Departments.
                        During the latter part of the Persian year 1312, two batches of Govern­
                    ment Inspectors one headed by Sartip Abdul Hassan Khan Pourczand and the
                    second by Sartip Abdul Roza Khan Afkhami visited the place to inspect the
                    workings of the departments, specially the Military and the Conscription.
                       Ling all.—Aqai Maghroori relieved Aoai Mustanfi as Deputy Governor,
                    Lingah, on the 20th November 1933. The latter has been transferred to Kerman
                    as Head Clerk to Governor-General.
                       Minab.—Mirza Musa Murshcd proceeded to Minab on the 19th June 1933
                   as Deputy Governor, Minab, vice Rukni transferred to Borasjun in the same
                       Bandar Abbas.—Mirza Mohamad Khan Mnnsoori handed over charge to
                   Mirza Mohamad Khan Naumani at the end of December 1933. The now officer
                   is a quiet and seems more efficient thun his predecessor.
                       When representations wore made by the landowners that 400 to 500 date
                   palms were uprooted by a violent gale at Golira, the Director of Finance *f tt

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