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for that place for local inspection on the 3rd and returned on the 5th Julv ]933.
He promised the landowners that ho would recommend to the higher authorities
lor remission of Rials. 7,500 from the amount of revenue due from the land
Mi nab.—Mirza Abdul Rassoul Dercesi held charge throughout the j'ear.
Livagh.—Mirza Ameri held charge throughout the year.
Posts and Telegraphs.
Bandar Abbas.—Mirra Ibrahim Khan Arbabi, the Director of Posts and
Telegraphs, held charge throughout the year. The post and telegraph ofliciuls
remained well disposed towards the Consulate.
The work of the Telegraph section leaves nothing to be desired.
Communication by telephone with Minab was maintained.
Sayyed Ja’l'ar Khan Nabawi, an Inspector from the Ministry of Posts and
Telegraphs arrived on inspection duty from Bushiro on the 8th June and loft :
for Kerman on the 15th. During his stay he inspected the local Post and
Telegraph Offices.
Bandar Abbas.—Agha Ismail Khan Bahadur, Governor of Bandar Abbas,
was enthusiastically keen to improve the state of the town and the following
progress was made during the year .— !
Water Supply.—To replace the Barqa water system, which is a source of
danger for all water-borne diseases and specially guincaworm, the new qanal
system to supply drinking water to the town was taken in hand, The source
was from Naiband and the mouth reached the entrance of the town, the water
flowing through a trench dug deep and connecting the several qanats, but on
the 2nd April 1933 there was a very heavy rainfall, practically unknown in the
history of Bandar Abbas, which demolished the trenches and the whole scheme
failed. Until Hum 1 l.(HK) tomans had been spent, but this year (1934) the scheme
has been given on a contract basis to the same Contractor (Ustad Rajab) for the
sum of Rials. 85,000.
Electricity and Ice supply.—The Power House belonging to Haji Sheikh
Ahmed (iolladary has been taken over and formed into a Company concern.
For the whole year the plant for electric lights worked well, and ice was also
made twice, but, ns the plant is old, the ice turned out was of inferior quality
and at heavy cost.
Charitable Dispensary.—The dispensary was rc-opcnod on the 14th Febru
ary 1933 with Dr. K. H. Dnmrce, rr-I.M.D., as a Medical Officer. As the dis
pensary was well-known in the past as the Consulate Medical Officer used^ to
attend there, the general public now make more use of it than that of the Persian
Quarantine Dejiartment.
Owing to the paucity of the staff, surgical work is not undertaken. The
scheme for having six beds has also been dropped, only serious indoor cases
being admitted for treatment, and for such cases comforts and nursing are
provided by relations or friends. It is yet to be seen whether the Dispensary
will continue lo work after March 1934, as the Medical Officer, apparently, is
not desirous to continue working with such u negligible number of stuff.
As there is no Consulate Medical Officer in Bandar Abbas serious cases
have been sent to Dr. Dumrce who has treated such cases free of charge.
The Main Road.—The so-called avenue has been constructed at the sacrifice
of about 15 houses. Some of the influential house-owners have been paid eom-
pen8at ion. but the ordinary classes whose houses have been demolished, are
given lands in exchange in other quarters of the town for the construction of
new buildings.
Edncation Department.
Bandar Abbas.—Mirza Noornli Khan Basti, Director of Education, remained
in charge throughout the year. There arc two schools in the station, one for
the boys up to the sixth standard and the other for the girls up lo the second
class only.
Lingah.—Agha Salehi remained in charge throughout the year.
Minab.—A glia Jazacri held the charge during the whole year.