Page 253 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 253


                                    APPENDIX I. .
             Notes on the working of the Residency Dispensary, BM$h\reh for t\if ycq? 19&1.
            The yenr was comparalively mild in all its seasons. The rainfall was upto average
         and well distributed.
            With good rains the water reservoirs attached to almost every house were filled and
         provided all the conditions favourable to the breeding of mosquitoes. The Health
         Authorities do not undertake any anti-malarial work, and it would be difficult to deal
         with the private reservoirs, as the inhabitants depend almost entirely on these for drinking
         water. There was a slight fulling off in the number of malaria cases, but malaria still
         nocountod for over a third of the number of attendances.
            In November and December there was an outbreak of influenza which was, on the
         whole, mild. Most cases were left with an extremely irritating cough but some cases deve­
         loped bronchopneumonia. This accounted for an increase of nearly five hundred attend­
         ances for respiratory diseases. The epidemic affected all ages pnd classes, bgt the effects
         were more lasting in European children.
            The uutnher of impatients and outdoor attendances in oomparison with those of 1933
         were as follows ;■*-
                                          Ip-patients. Out-pptients, Operating.

               1933                           24      10,873      181
               1934                           22       11,353     214
            There was a marked increase in the nuwlXr? flf attendances for diseases of tbe Rpspira?
         tory system and for eye diseases.
                                                 J. ROONEY, Major, I.M.S.,
                                                      Residency Surgeon, Bushire.

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