Page 254 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 254
Report on the working of Quarantine on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf for the year
Inspection.—*1 ho Residency Surgeon visited Kuwait in March, and Muscat and Bahrain
in August.
Epidemic.—No epidemics were reported during the year. Cases of small-pox occur
along the Trueial Coost at all seasons but, ns far as can be ascertained, the disease has not
appeared in epidemic form. 1st Class Assistant Surgeon Ilohnes, I.M.D., who accom-
panied the Political Agent, Bahrain, on one of his tours, carried out vaccinations at
Buildings.—The Quarantine station at Kuwait collapsed in a rainstorm in December.
The buildings at Muscat and Bahrain arc in a good state of repair.
Personnel.—Major D. L. Machay, J.M.D., was in charge nt -Muscat from the 1st
January until 21st October, when he returned to Military duty after fourteen years’ ser
vice in the Persian Gull’. 2nd Class Assistant Surgeon R. Easey, I.M.D., was in charge
from 22nd October until the end of the year. 1st Class Assistant Surgeon R. Holmes,
I.M.D., was in charge at Bahrain for the whole year. 1st Class Assistant Surgeon A. L.
Greenway, I.M.D., was in charge nt Kuwait for the whole year.
Notification of discuses.—Weekly reports were received from the Port Health Authori
ties nt Karachi, und occasional reports from Bombay. On the outbreak of quarantinable
diseases reports are received from these authorities by telegram. By the courtesy of
the Manager of the Cable and Wireless, Limited, Karachi, weekly epidemiological tele
grams from the League of Nations Par Eastern Bureau, Singapore, are received.
J. J. ROONEY, Major,
Residency Surgeon and Chief Quarantine Medical Officer,
Arab Coast.