Page 351 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 351
erectelab5iZrysWISNSU?l?!Adpy^e ^ ^ks and tho Elding was
are 1 credit to bo?h Lis! g °"P °f S'VedlSh C°ntractors- The works
"‘^z^oTJr^ ss,s*r,4”
Kharvars 40,000 to 45,000 (Tons 11,450 to 13,000). The yWd of the beet
is about 18 per centum, allowing for a production of 2,300 Tons of sugar
in cubes and crystals. Quality is white and good. But it is not appreciated
as the people are accustomed to a coarse and slow melting sugar.
The sugar produced by the end of the year was given at 1 000 000
kilograms (about 980 Tons) of crystals and at 100,000 kilograms (about
90 Tons) of cube sugar. Prices fixed by government were Rials 12 90 per
man Tabriz (6£ lbs.) for cube sugar and Rials 12-00 per man Tabriz
(G-J lbs.) for crystals.
Cotton Spinning Mills.-The Cotton spinning mill of the Fars Manu-
facturing Company (Shirkat-i-Sahami-i-Nasaji-i-Fars) which began work
in June 1934, has proved successful and a dividend of 20 per centum was
declared this year. The profits of the first year’s working are believed
to have reached 50 per centum.
The principal shareholder is now Khalil Beg, Nasir Zadeh, a wealthy
Khorassan merchant.
A second Mirelees Diesel engine, 175 klw., 260 B. H. P. was installed
at the end of the year, as a reserve to the first power engine, by the same
firm, which had been working for over nine months on double shifts.
The Dehkan Brothers, owners of the Shiraz Electric Lighting Power
House, are putting up another cotton spinning mill near their power works
in the town of Shiraz. The spinning machinery has been ordered from
Germany, iron and steel work for the buildings from India. Messrs.
Dehkan are shareholders in the first spinning mill and are not likely to
compete with it. They will probably turn out other grades of cotton yarns.
Agriculture.—Agriculture benefitted by favourable weather conditions
and by the abolition of the land tax. Financial assistance was also given
to the growers by the Government. They were promised facilities for the
marketing of their produce by the Trading Companies.
No locusts were reported during the year
Wheat and Barley—Statistics are not obtainable but the crop was
Heavy purchases of both products were made by government throughout
the year and large quantities are now stored in Shiraz. Payment was made
by the Finance Department, acting with the government trading company.
The following were the princes paid :
In February : Good grado wheat , Rials 90 per CJ lbs.
Rials 1-30 „
I For old crop
In July: Rials 1-40 „
^ For new crop
f Best grade . . . Rials 1*10 „
\ Rials I CO „
In August: Medium grade
, . . Rials 0*90 „
^ Third grado
The prices paid in August were fixed) on the basis of the revised price
of bread ordered by the municipality. , , .
is poorer in morphine at this season, were allowed, government undertaking
to huy-in the crop.
325(C) r*PD