Page 636 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 636
Strength on
,— ------------ k________
Natw v 1st January 31st December
1939. 1939.
Manama 81 70
Muharraq 54 54
135 124
It was decided last year that the Police force should be raised to 350 men ;
this strength has now almost been attained.
A machine gun section and a motor bicycle section were under training
in the latter part of the year, and since the beginning of the war the Police
have been occupied with certain additional duties. Those have unfortunately
disclosed certain deficiencies in organisation and discipline Which remain to
be eliminated.
Shaikh Khalifah bin Muhammad completed his training in India during
the year and look over his duties ns Superintendent of Police.
Steps are being taken to improve the quality of the naturs. The men are
subjected to a strict medical examination before enlistment and are put through
a course on the rifle range.
5. Local Affairs.—Bahrain was prepared for the war, and the outbreak
of war saw various schemes, which cannot be detailed here, pul into operation at
There was widespread satisfaction at the generous gift of £30,000 made by
Ilis Highness the Shaikh to Ilis Majesty’s Government as a contribution to
wards war expenses.
6. The Bahrain Petroleum Company, Limited.—(i) Mr. J. S. Black was the
Company’s Chief Local Representative for most of the year. He was called
up in September last as a Naval Reserve Officer for duty at Basra, but was later
released. During his absence Mr. M. H. Lipp acted for him.
(ii) Mr. M. H. Lipp became Resident Manager during the year.
(iii) The total number of producing wells at the end of the year was 66,
three of these being in the “ fourth pay *’ horizon.
Total production for the year 1939 was 7,588,544 barrels of crude oil.
Royalty paid to the Bahrain Government for the first half of 1939 was
Rs. 35,49,278-32-8 and for the second half was Rs. 16,25,554-1-4.
(iv) At the end of the year the Company’s employees numbered as
follows :—
British 1912
A mericans .. 07
British Indians 374
Bahrainis 1,878
Others 399
(v) Refinery operating facilities were improved during the year by the
addition of the following major units :—
Polymerization plant.
New Oxygen plant.
Gas Oil Stripper.
Reformed Gasoline Lead Sulphide Plant.
Inhibitor Plant.
Altogether 32 tanks were added at the Refinery.
The following refined products are exported :—
Ethylized Gasoline.
Straight Gasoline.
Diesel Oil.
Fuel Oil.