Page 634 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 634
Resides six visits from the ITon’ble the Political Resident, and one from the
Residency Surgeon, Bushiro, in his capacity of Chief Quarantine Medical Ofiicer,
the visitors during the year included
Wing Commander R. Jope-Sladc of the Air Headquarters, Iraq .. January 1939.
Major F. J. McWhinnie of the Royal Air Force .. January 1939.
Mr. >1. T. Montague Bell, journalist, and his daughter .. January 1939.
Major-General II. Waterhouse, Chief of the British Military
Mission to Iraq, accompanied by his wife and daughter-in-law February 1939.
Major Frank Holmes i # .. February 1939.
Monsieur Jean Bourbon, Representative of Miehelin Tyre Co. .. February 1939.
Mr. Sadler of the Eastern Bank .. February 1939.
Lord and Lady Stratheden .. .. March 1939.
Air Vice-Marshal J. II. S. Tyssen, M.C., Air Officer Commanding,
British Forces in Iraq .. March 1939.
Mr. Inam ul Majid, I.C.S., Indian Government Trade Cominis- March 1939.
Mr. Louis Itrcuger, Swedish subject, of the Swedish Match Coin-
. pany .• • .. March 1939.
Mr. Rankine .. March 1939.
Lord Alington • • •• .. April 1939.
The Countess of Carlisle .. April 1939.
ICurt Lori, a German subject, with wife and two children .. April 1939.
Mr. Pattinson of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company .. .. April 1939.
Mr. Gass, a Director of the Kuwait Oil Company ., .. April 1939.
Captain J. B. Howes, Assistant Political Agent, Bahrain .. April’ 1939.
Lieutenants Mian Ghulam Jilani and Kushwakht-ul-Mulk of the
19th Hyderabad Regiment .. April 1939.
Mr. R. S. T. John, I.C.S., Vice-Consul, Bushire .. June 1939.
Mr. Fuad Hamza Bey, Saudi, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs June 1939.
Mr. Alan Villiers, an Australian traveller .. June 1939.
Mr. Adrian Vallance of the Iraq Ministry of Education .. June 1939.
The Amir Saud bin Abdul Aziz al Kebir, a first cousin of II. M.
Ibn Saud .. June 1939.
His Excellency Ali Jowdat, Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs June 1939.
Mr. Gee of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Coy. .. .. July 1939.
Mr. C. A. F. Dundas of the British Council .. October 1939.
Rev. A. W. Adeney of Basra .. .. October 1939.
His Excellency Sir Basil Newton, K.C.M.G., British Ambassador
in Iraq .. November 1939.
Shaikh Nawwaf bin Nuri as Shalan .. November 1939.
Wing Commander Savile of Air Headquarters, Iraq .. .. November 1939.
Lient.-Colonel R. Merry, O.B.E., Officer Commanding, Iraq Levies November 1939.
Mr. Willian Pieter Wolterbeek, Netherlands Trade Commissioner.
Total Rainfall during the year 3 • 54"
Maximum temperature 117°
Minimum temperature 38°
Political Agent, Kuwait.
JOlh February 19d0.