Page 182 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
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most of which wore for Messrs. Gray Paul and Company, Messrs. E. D.
Agent, and other Persian Merchants, a very small percentage beinf?°?s
Messrs. R. Wonckhaus and Company. Tho bulk of the imports by Qe” *0r
Steamers consisted of Crystal and Loaf Sugar.
Only 2 steamers callod on tho homeward voyage and this was in ordc
land cargo overcarried on tho up trip. The number of packages embarkedto
the Port for Europe amounted to 71 which were alf shells, except for two b
which contained tobacco. a 03
Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company.—Four steamers call i
on the outward voyage from Odessa, and landed 2,090 packages, 2,000 of w],;6?
consisted of Korosino Oil. On tho homeward voyage throe ships called ej
porting 733 packages, principally tobacco for Aden.
Tho following is a list of subjects •> a
For,,*. E-del.. proteges of other European Powo,3 Vnd
Belgian.—Monsieur A. Williamsons, Director of Customs.
German.—Herr. H. Itosenfeld, Manager of Messrs. R. Wonckhaus and
Company. He is 26 years of age, and joined the firm in 1906. His contract
expired in December, and he talks of going on leave in May or Juno 19U, but
it is very evident that he is trying to renew his contract on more favourable
German.—Haji Ali Umar, Native Assistant of Messrs. Robert Wonckbaus
and Company, a Muhammadan of about 36 years of age, who claims to be pure
Gorman, but according to rumour was born at Algiers of Gorman aud Moorish
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir P. Z. Cox, K.C I.E., C.S I., visited Lingah on the
following occasions : 1-1 th February bv
Holdout'* visit*.
R. I. M. S. “ Lawrence, ” 12th and
26th August by H. M. S. “ Sphinx, ” and 16th October by R. I. M S.
•• Lawrence. ”
His Excellency Rear-Admiral Peirse, M.Y.O., paid Lingah a visit in
H. M. S. u Swiftsure ”, on the *21th
Admiral'* visit*.
of November, and left for Bushire the
following day. Eds Excellency attempted to land on the 25th, hut was
compelled to return to the Flagship owing to heavy seas which made landing
His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Edmond Slade, K.C.I.E., .K.C V.O.,
visited Lingah in H. M. S. " Sphinx ” on the 1st December with the
other members of the Oil Commission. His'Excellency and party landed
at 8-30 a.m. on the 2nd. and remained ashore the whole day, prospecting for
oil. A well from which water was drawn in the presence of Ilis Excellency
and party, showed traces of oil, but they wore unable to say whether this was a
natural spring, or whether the oil had got into the well by accident.
General Blrdwood.—General Birdwood visited Lingah un-officially by
R. I. M. S. t€ Lawrence, ” on the
Other victor*.
17th November, but owing to had
weather left without landing.
The detachment of 10 men belonging to the Queen Victoria’s Own Rajput
z s
His Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul was informed, on tho 29th of January
crew of the cutter consisted of one Lieutenant and nine men.
Notices were circulated to all the Shaikhs, and special messengers wore
sent to gather secret information, but all efforts wore of no avail.
In January Mr. R. H. New, nis Britannio Majesty’s representative
instructions from tho Political Residen^
visited Naband in H. M. S. "Philomel
to Uke charge of four pirates, who had brutally murdered the Nakhuw