Page 237 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
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                                   FOR THE YEAR 1013.

                                     CHAPTER VI!.
                                 FOR THE YEAR 1913.
               Captain A J. H. Grey held charge of the Vice-Consulate, throughout the
              Hi* Brilannio Jlnjoblj** Yice-Consulato.  year under report.
               Mr. Abdul Alim continued as Dragoman until November, -when ho was
            transferred to tho Turco-Pcrsiau Boundary Commission, his place being taken
            by Mr. Mirza from Lingah.
               Mirza Abdur Rahim continued as Consulate Mirza.
               In February, Captain A. T. Wilson, C.M.G., was appointed to tho charge
            of Luristan affairs, and that district was removed from the sphere of this Vice-
            Consulate. Ho was relieved iu November by Captain Crosthwaitc.
               As noted in the Report for 1912, the Dutch Consulate was abolished in
                                          1912, but Mr. P. P. Ter Meulen conti­
                    Foreign Consulates.
                                          nued to fly the Dutch flag over his resi­
            dence. In January of the year under report, the flag was bauled down as a
            result of unofficial representations on the part of Captain Grey.
               Mr. P. P. Ter Meulen held the appointment of Russian Consular Agent
            throughout the year.
               Tho Russian Government maintained a Persian Agent in Luristan,
                                           throughout the year, with headquarters in
                 Foreign Subjects and Protegc6.
               Tho Russian Government announced their intention of appointing a Con­
            sular Agent to Bakhtiaii territory, but no appointment had actually been
            made up to the close of the year. There is little doubt, however, that the
            Russian Consulate at Ispahan maintained various news writers and secret
            correspondents in Chahar Mahal.
               With these exceptions there were, so far as is known, no foreign subjects
            or proteges within the territories forming part of the independent sphere of the
                Ahwas.—Shaikh Chasib Khan, Nusrat-ul-Mulk, the eldest son of
                                           Shaikh Khazal, held the post of Deputy
                      Local Authorities.
                                           Governor, Ahwaz, throughout the year
            under report. This youth, though now 22 years of age, has yet given no
            promise of being a fit successor to his father. He is weak, childish in character,
            broken in health by venereal disease, a spendthrift and incompetent. It is doubt­
            ful whether he will ever develop those sterner qualities necessary in the future
            fuler of Arabistan. Ail local questions of any importance were settled by
            Shaikh Khazal or his Vizier, Haji Rais-ut-Tujjar.
               Monsieur Bouckaert was Director of Customs at Nasiri until September,
                                           when he was transferred to Mohammerah,
                                           his place being taken by Monsieur G. Van
            ton Abeele from Lingah.
               Messrs Lynch Bros.—Mr. Abel remained in charge of the Ahwaz Agency
                                           throughout the year. Mr. Trayler, Mr.
                     Britishi ntemts.
                                           Abel’s assistant, was transferred to Basrah
              Juno and was not replaced.
                Messrs. Strict Scott and Company\—Messrs. Strict Scott and Company
            °IHincd an European Agency in Ahwaz in July under Mr. Hamm to deal direot
            J'dh the purchase and forwardiug of grain, which business the firm had
            formerly conducted through brokers.
               Tho charge of the Consular Charitable Dispensary has been held by Sub-
                                           Assistant Surgeon Fazal Ilahi through­
                                           out the year. The Dispensary has, as
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