Page 232 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 232
The question of this German competition lias overshadowed all
subjects in political importaoco in Arabistan. °ther
It is hardly necessary in this report to repeat the terms of the v •
despatches which have boon submitted on this subject, sinco to do go v10,18
extend its limits to unduo proportions. It will suffice to note that men°U^
have been submitted for approval which, if sanctioned, will, it i8 trui^8
nieot the situation.
The movement is one which was to he expected as the natural
of ’tlio policy of the German Government on the Baghdad Railway outcome
and in
the Shalt-el-Arab.
Messrs. Wonckhaus have for some time had a grain purchasing bran r
in Mohauiinerak. Siuce the middle of the year they have shown mucS 'Neat
activity. a er
As noted they have placed two steamers on the river, they have been
in negotiation for a wharf at Ahwaz, and have placed a Gorman to control
their business at that place.
They have placed with a German firm orders for motor barges which
will shortly be ready for traffic Their agent approached the Imperial Bank
of Persia in Mohammerah ivith an offer to carry specie at half the rates chaigcd
by the British India or by Messrs, lynch Bros Herr Zinnow, one of tfieir
Directors, has visited Ahwaz and wished ito visit Shushtar. There is little
doubt that the firm intend to open at Dizful a\d Shushtar while everything
points to their taking up a Forwarding agency to Ispahan.
They are making big preparations for the grain season, and the agent
here has asked the Imperial Bank of Persia to quote rates for £30,000 worth
of krans.
This activity is hardly commercial only, and suggestions have been for
warded to higher authority as to the best way. to meet it.
It is undeniable that the Gcrmau firm is carrying out its attack very
well. Both here and in Basrah the firm understands the value of a goocl
show for impressing the Eastern, and they never have any hesitation iu
spending money where a good advertisement is to .he obtained. Tlieir name
consequently stands well aud brings them in much trade.
In the previous year we had assisted the Nizam-rs-Sultan eh lo obtain
... . c , money from the Imperial Bank of Persia
" ‘ 1 u in order to release him from debts to the
Bauque d’Escomptes in Tehran. The Shaikh of Mohammcrah provided the
money to enable the Nizam to get away to Europe as there appeared to
be danger of his being stopped He subsequently took the loan, from the
Bank to meet the amount having received the Nizam’s properties in Arabistan
and the South of Persia as security.
The Nizam had not been very successful in gaining our good will in
Shiraz in 1911 owing to the mistaken line of policy he had followed while
Governor there.
His old friendship with the Shaikh was however unbroken and it was
soon realised that, if he could be brought completely under our influence,
his value to us could be very great. All the lands covered by ihe Mohammeran-
Khurramabad Railway, as far as Dizful, which do not actually belong to the
Shaikh are the property of tfie Nizain-es-Sultaneh and his co-heirs thougu
managed by the Shaikh.
The latter was prepared to go security for the future good behaviour
the Nizam. The Minister wa9 accordingly approached with a view to obtain
ing safeguards for the Nizam’s safe return to Persia.
Finally, in June, it was determined to give the Nizam an opportunity
of whitewashing himself provided that he save us a guarantee in return for <>
support to the effect that ho would take no step opposed to officials of the Dm
Government and that, if he ever w ished to lease or sell his lands in *
Arabistan or Luristan, he would only do so after consulting the ’ *
representatives while equally should lie desire to change the agents o*? m ^
of his properties or to pat foreigners in their position he would only