Page 230 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 230

                     1 per cent. of tho above 3 per cent, in order to cacourngo the Company tn
                     in other parts of bis country.                           * 10 drill
                         During (ho year work at the Abadan Refinery has continued steadil
                     the exports show a substantial increase.                    7 and
                         The quantity of various grades of refined oils exported reached   \ total
                    163,000 tons. Over and above Lliis heavy consignments of cased oil   of
                    despatched for the local market.
                         The Imperial Bank of Persia.—Notwithstanding that it was a had
                    for business, the Bank reached their turnover of the previous year.  year
                        Messrs. Lynch Bros.—Mr. Martin, the Agent at Mohamtnorah, died •
                    March and was relieved by Mr. Ashton who was invalided for typhoid later *U
                    the year. He was relieved by Captain Rawlins, who has recently died ^
                        Messrs. Gray Mackenzie and Co, were represented by Mr. Spence
                    throughout the year.
                        An Admiralty Commission consisting of Admiral Sir Edmond Slade
                                                   K C.V.O., K.C.I.E., Professor Cadman of
                              Oil Commission.
                                                   the Birmingham Univerisity, Mr. Blund«
                    stone, a mining expert, Mr. Pascoe of the Geological Department of the
                    Government of India with Mr. Clarke, of the Board of Trade, as Secretary
                    arrived on the 26th of October and were joined by Mr. James, the Geologist to
                    the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.
                        They proceeded to Alrwaz and the Oil Pields on a tour of inspection of the
                    Anglo-l’ersian Oil Company’s concessions, returning to Mohammerah on the
                    7th November.
                        They left for Kuwait on the 10th of the same month returning again on the
                    17th, leaving finally in H. M. S. “ Sphinx ” on the 20th en route to Bahrain.
                        The Commission was much struck with the possibilities and prospects of
                    the Oil Pields.
                        Tb'' option for the railway from Mohammerali to Khurramabad having
                       JMommenk.Kltm.mab.d Ewl.aj. tecn obtained br a British Syndicate, four
                                                   engineers, Messrs. Whitelaw, Apted,
                    Moore and Douglas, arrived to commence the survey in April. They completed
                    the preliminary survey in the Spring.
                        Captain A. T. "Wilson, C.M.G., who had been appointed Political Officer
                    at Dizful, in connection with the railway, had already proceeded to Ahwaz en
                    route to Dizful on the 28th March He remained in Luristan and Dizful and
                    finally proceeded home on leave, in May.
                        Having completed their preliminary survey of the portion of the country
                    between Mohammerah and Dizful, tho survey party proceeded to India, except
                    M*. "Whitelaw, who proceeded home.
                        They returned to Arahistan in September while one of their number,
                    Mr. Douglas, travelled to Hamndan via, Baghdad to meet Captain Wilson who
                    was  returning to Tehran and who, accompanied by Mr. Douglas, travelled
                    through Luristan from the North arriving in Dizful in November.
                        Captain Wilson made arrangements with the various tribes en route for the
                    safe passage of the party for the survey of Luristan.
                        Captain Crosthwaite had, in the meantime, been appointed to relieve
                    Captain Wilson, who had been nominated Deputy Commissioner with toe
                   Turco-Pcrsian Frontier Commission.
                        Captain Crosthwaite and the survey party were joined by Dr. Young at the
                   end of November. Dr. Young represented the Railway syndicate.
                        Pourparlers were carried on with tho chiefs of the Luristan tribes
                   reference to the payments which they required for the safe conduct oi
                   railway party through Luristan.
                        Captain Crosthwaite and Dr. Young finally decided that they
                   too much at the meroy of tho tribes through whose country they woul y
                   and who would be able to demand what sums they wished once they haa b
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