Page 229 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 229
FOE TEE YEAR 1913.* 87
Ja 1910 tlio Shaikh founded a school in Moharmnerah which hears his name.
Education. This school was on the verge of bankruptcy
and accordingly His Majesty’s Consul was
fced to take over its management which ho agreed to do very readily.
The school is now financially on a sound footing and the numbers have
joiic up to ctos0 orl 10O boys.
The opportunity to hand with this school for increasing our influence is so
^parent that His Majesty’s Consul has submitted to His Majesty’s Government
digestions for its improvement.
Mis Majesty’s Consul has equally been asked to take over the making of a
road through the date gardens from tho
river to the town.
An experimental bit was first made and allowed to remain for a year to
go how it stood the heat. The trees for the road have now been cut down and
j ^ well on its way to completion, adding greatly to the appearance of the
Monsieur Dmitri Belayew, the acting Russian Consul-General at Bushire,
visited Mohammerah on the 16th October
Turco-Porsian Frontlor Commission.
in connection with the Russian portion of
ihe Boundary Commission of which he had been mado tho Deputy Commis-
Ho returned to Bushire and, on the 8th November, arrived in company
rith Captains Zkhaia and Alieff, the Russian surveyors, who had come out
join Russia, in the “ Tigre”
Captain A. T. Wilson, C.M.G., the British Deputy Commissioner arrived
an the 2nd December.
Captain H. W. Pierpoint, I.M.S., Medical Officer to the British Commis
sion, arrived on the 11th December with Mr. Hubbard, Secretary to the
Commission, with the native members of the survey party.
Lieutcuant-Colonel Ryder, D.S.O.., R.E., arrived by the same mail but
proceeded to Basrah to make observations with Major Cowie, R.E., who had
remained at Bushire.
Mr. A. C. Wratislaw, C.B., C.M.G., Chief Commissioner, arrived at
llohammcrah on the 15th December.
Monsieur Minorsky, Chief Russian Commissioner, with Mrs. Minorsky
arrived on the 13th December.
Itola-el-Mulk, one of the Persian Commissioners, arrived with the Russian
Commissioners on the 13 th but, up to the close of the year, tho remaining
Persian and Turkish Commissioner had not arrived.
Captain Brooke, 18th Lancers, with the Cavalry Escort arrived on the*
The British Commission took up their residence in camp while the
Russians hired a house in the town but, up to the close of the year, little was-
done except making general arrangements.
The Anglo-Persian Oil Company.—The work at tho fields has consisted of
drilling wells down to the near proximity-
intorasb. of oil producing areas so as to lie ready
for extensions.
Production from wells already drilled has maintained a steady average^
The company are engaged upon the examination of other areas within
concession, and test wells have been drilled at Maidan-i-Naphtek*
the White Oil Springs, and at Ah was.
In July His Majesty’s Consul approaohed the Shaikh with a view to obtain-
^3 his permission for drilling operations at Ahwaz, and an agreement wa*
to by which the Shaikh agreed to accept a royalty of 3 per cent, on the
Qet profits of oil found within his limits. The Shaikh also agreed to forego