Page 243 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 243
On the recommendation of Hia Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul, arrange
ments were made, as a precautionary measure, for the storage of a number of
riflos at the Fields, sufficient to arm the European, Indian and Armenian staffs
and the Bakhtiari guards. Those rifles with ammunition wero delivered at the
yields during the year.
His Britannic Majesty’s Vicc-Co: sul visited the Bakhtiari Khans at
Touri of His Britanuio Mnjosty'* ltoprcionU- Sar-i-Lch in connection with the Shaikh-
tiro Bakhtiari relations, leaving Ahwaz on
17th February and returning on the 10th March. He left for the Oil Fields
on the lGth April and, after a halt of a week, proceeded to Ispahan, which was
reached on the 10th May. On the 18th July ho again left on tour, visiting the
executive Chiefs at Chighakbur, and travelled via the Khans’ homes at Shalam-
Mr, Junaghun and Farsun to ICarkunan to report upon the Karun diversion
scheme at that point. He returned by another route reaching Ispahan on the
10th August Ho left Ispahan on the 4th October and, travelling aid
Surk and Masjid Suleiman, reached headquarters on the 23rd of the same
His Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul was absent from Hcadquavtors alto
gether about 7 months, during the year, and a distance of 1,050 miles was
travelled by road during the tours.
A French traveller, Monsieur Bourqin, with his wife, traversed Bakhtiari
country in the beginning of the year.
Major Cox and Lieutenant Fowle, Indian
Army, travelled from Ispahan, to Ahwaz in March. Major Crauford, accom
panied Captain Grey to Ispahan in Ap*il.
Monsieur Viollet, a French architect, and his wife, traversed the country
in July, and Lieutenant Steward, Indian Army, also in July. The road was
also traversed by Mr. Baird, M.P., and Mr. Hope, British and Foreign Bible
Society, and Mrs. Hope, in Octobor and November. All these journeys wero
performed without incident.
In November two Russian Engineers visited Karkunan to survey and
report upon the irrigation scheme at that site.
The rainfall for the year at Ahwaz amounted to 12 62 inches. The lowest
tomperaturo recorded was 39*4 on the
Weather and rainfall.
23rd February, and the highest, 115‘8 on
tho 21stJuly.
A. GREY, Captain, I.A.,
Sis Majesty's Vice-Consul and
Assistant Resident, Ahwcs.
31st January 191&*\j