Page 244 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 244
THE YEAR 1913.
Major S. G. Knox, C.I.E., held charge
of tlio Political Agency throughout the
Major J. W. Tittle, I.M.S., held charge of the post of the Agency Surgeon
Mask at, throughout the year. * *
Monsieur A. Jeannier remained Consul for Prance throughout the year
and Mr. Homer Brett, for the United
Foreign Consols.
States of America, from 1st January to
30th September, on which date he handed over charge of the Consulate to Mr.
Muhammad Fazal, Vice and Deputy Consul, and left Maskat on transfer for
Teneriffe, Canary Islands. Mr. Muhammad Fazal held charge of the Consulate
till the end of the year.
The relations of His Britannic Majesty's Consul with his Foreign Collea
gues have been most cordial throughout the year.
Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad ar Ruwaihi, French Consulate dragoman,
visited Sur during the first week of May for the purpose of renewing dhows’
Sir Percy Cor, K.O.LE., C.S.I., Political Resident in the Persian Gulf
visited Maskat only once during the year,
Visits of Resident.
in October, when he spent a fortnight
On the 1st January, Proclamation day, the Agency flagstaff was dressed.
The Foreign Consuls and also His High
ness the Sultan dressed flagstaffs, forts and
yaoht. The usual ceremonial visits were paid by the Sultan and the Foreign
Consuls. During the Sultan’s visit Khan Sahib Saiyid Muhammad bin Saeed
was presented with the ribbon and the badge of “ Khan Sahib.’*
On the 6th May, the accession day of His Imperial Majesty, King
George V, was celebrated. The Agency flagstaff, Foreign Consulates and the
Sultan’s forts were dressed for the occasion. A Royal salute of 31 guns was
fibred from H. M. 8. u Odin.”
On the 26th May, Queen Mary’s birthday was celebrated. The Agency
flagstaff, Foreign Consulates and the Sultan s forts and yacht were dressed.
H. M. S. “ Odm ” was in harbour and dressed ship.
On the 3rd June, the birthday of King George V was celebrated. The
Agency flagstaff. Foreign Consulates and the Sultan’s forts were dressed. The
Political Agent inspected the Agency guard and three feu de joiea were fired.
His Highness also fired a Royal salute of 31 guns. Usual congratulatory
visits were paid to the Political Agent by the Sultan and the Foreign Consuls.
The anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America was
celebrated on the 4th July, and the French Republic day on the 14th July*
On both these occasions the Agency flagstaff was dressed and congratulatory
visits paid to the Consuls by tne Political Agent.
On the 19th February the *• Maulud am Nabi ” was celebrated and the
Agency flagstaff was dressed as well as those of tho Foreign Consulates.
On the 3rd September, tho Ramazan ’Id was celebrated. The Ageucj
flagstaff was dressed for the occasion. The *14 visit was, however, dispense
with at the express wish of the Sultan. . .
On tho 16th November, His Excellency the Naval Commander-in-Clu®
presented Khan Sahib Nasib bin Muhammad, Naval Contractor, „
ganad, Badge and Bibbon of “Khan Sahib ” on board H. M. S. “ SwifUute.