Page 249 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 249

1011 TIIE YEAH 1913.                   107
           supervised by Muhammad Ibrahim, former Superintendent of Customs and
           no\v head Munshi in tho palaco. There have not hcou many complaints against
           llio working of tho Customs. Tho landing arrangements have remained with
           tbo company of 4 Arabs mentioned in last year’s report. Tho head of these
           4( Ali Musa was banished as already mentioned in this report.
              During tho yoar under report, applications for frt edom wero received
                                         from 43 slaves of whom 32 were freed.
                      Slaro trado.
                                         Of tho 4 3,16 were from Mekran and the
           remainder from Zanzibar and Somaliland.
              His Excellency tho Naval Commandcr-in-Chief of tho Fast Indies Squadron
                                         visited Maskat twice during tho year.
                      Royal Navy.
                                         His first visit of 6 days was in April and
           the second in October, when His Excellency spent 15 days here.
              All the other ships of tho East Indies Squadron have visited tho pert
                                           No foreign man-of-war visited Maskat
                     Foreign Navy.
                                         during the year under report.
              On the 15th January, Dr. Thomas of the American Mission died of injuries
                                         sustained from a fall while he was fixing a
              American and Carmelite Missions.
                                         telephone to a polo on TOcky ground near
           Matrali. Reverend Father Bernard, of the Carmelite Mission, visited Maskat
           once during the year in February.
              In the month of May a “ badau ”, belonging to tho firm of Monsieur         !
                                         Goguycr, was reported wrecked near
                 Weather and Rainfall.
                                         Umm-ul-Kaiwain with her cargo of dates.
                                         No lives were however lost
              The rainfall for the year was less than last year and amounted to only
           5 J7 inches. The summer was, as usual, long but not severe. The highest
           temperature during the year recorded was 110*4° on the 21st May. The highest
           average day temperature was 101*3° in the month of May, and the highest
           average night temperature was 38 0° in tho month of August. The lowest
           day temperature recorded was 69*2° on the 11th February and the lowest night
           temperature was 59*8° on the 31st December.
              Tables of temperature and rainfall are appended.
               In May the Political Agent visited Sut and Quryat in H. M. S. “ Odin ”.
                                         In July he visited Sib to confer there with
                 Tour* of Political Agent.  His Highness, and in September he visited
           Barkah Suwaiq, Khaburah and Sohar in H. M. S. “ Fox,” kindly placed at his
           disposal by the Senior Naval Officer.
               On the 20th October, Admiral Slade passed through Maskat on his way up
                                         the Persian Gulf and in November came
               YL.U Of MivUri Officuli.   Geaeral Birdw00d> Seoretary t0 the Govern-
                                          ment of India in the Army Department
           and Colonel Lee, lately Military Secretary to the Viceroy.
               The Midhat-us-Sultaneh, Persian Government Foreign Office Agent,
                                            visited Maskat in January. Unofficial
                     Foreign Interests.
                                            visits were exchanged.
               Rifaat Bey, Turkish Consul at Lingah and Abdul Wahhab, a Turkish
            Jiudir, landed from tho Russian steamer “ Euphrates ” and visited the late
            Sultan in March.
               On the 19th August, Mr. E. A. Wood, a mechanic employed by Messrs.
                                          Chance Brothers of Birmingham in con-
                 . uco ooo*.              nection with the construction of Light­
            houses in the Persian Gulf, died in the Maakat Hospital. He was suffering
            ‘Tom pneumonia.
                                                  B. G. KNOX, Major,
                                           Political Agent and Sis Britannic
                                                       Majestys Consul, If ask at.
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