Page 254 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 254
II.—Temperature for tie year 1913.
Maximum fur the Minimum for tho
month. mouth. A vcrsgo
Month. maximum
for Iho
Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. month.
January . 859 74 0 730 63-4 83-4 652
February. 85-0 G92 71*8 CO 3 760 657
March . 87-9 710 730 650 850 C88
April 08-1 S67 867 73-2 949 60-3
May 110-4 91-7 98-2 787 101-3
Jane . 1080 91-7 93 2 84 4 900 880
J aly 110-0 860 931 780 89-8 85-8
August . 107-7 911 90-0 838 9*0 S3 0
September 108-0 878 890 800 93-8 850
October . 102-0 890 84 G 768 9o-l 31-6
November 050 79-5 79 8 670 S74 741
December. 844 75 9 74 0 693 793 6S5
List of French subjects and proteges.
French subjects. F.onch pro! eg*. Reuabzs
Monsieur LoCallo Monsieur Nichan II;rroaszion Monsieur Lo Gallo, French Coal
Depct Superintendent*
Ebiahira Elba: , Arma Lra-ier.
A mho Mcnasche .
Abdul A:iz biu Muhammad ar Frocch Consulate dragoman.
Isa bin Dinar French Consulate dubash.
Sher Shah bin Dinar khal'-ai.
99 99
Mai oo 99 99
Mahmud Sbadad
Rashid bin Darulc- 99 m pOOQ.
Ismail „ Consult coolc.
2harukbin Ali . Sorvart of Monsieur Elba:.
Ha mi a bin Ahmed m
List of American subjects and protegfs.
American subject*. American protog*. Rescabko.
Roveier.d Fred J. Barny Mr. Muhammad Faxal Vico aid Deputy Consul for U. S.
Mm. Ram j and 2 children . Juraabin Shambe Consulate sorvsnt*.
Dootor and Mrs. Wo. rail , Haraud bln Salim I }