Page 259 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 259
POR THE YEAR 1918, 117
As tlicro was a considerable amount of rain during tlio early part of the
year tlio Agency buildings woro very
Agency buildup
uncomfortablo, the rain going through to
flic ground floor in many places. Plans and estimates wero submitted for new
liuildiagSj in April, but the question is still under consideration as the Govern
ment of India have called for a furthor report as to whether the existing budd
ings are capable of repair and improvement.
The detachment of tho 2nd (Q. V. O.) Rajputs was relieved, on the 17th
December 1913, by a dctacliment of tho
Sepoy Gu&.*d.
93th (Russell’s) Infantry.
Shaikh Isa bin Ali enjoyed very good health during the year, as did his sons.
Shaikh Isa in many ways seems younger
Shaikh Isa aal Family.
than he did 10 years ago, and frequently
spends long days hawking and shooting -without overtaxing his strength.
Shaikh Hamad made his usual hawking expedition to Lingah in tho
autumn; on this occasion ho was accompanied by Shaikh Muhammad, the
second son of tho Shaikh.
Khalifah bin Hauiad bin Muhammad A1 Khalifah returned to Bahrain
during tho year. Soon after his arrival ho
Shaikh Isa aadhis relations.
apparently began intriguing with tho
Turkish Postmaster, hut this official left scon after Bin Saud took Hasa in May.
Khalifah called on the Political Agent and tried to enlist the latter's sympathy
with tales of Shaikh Isa’s tyranny, etc., but he received no encouragement in
that quarter, and he has now apparently ceased from troubling, at all events
temporarily, as nothing has been heard of him since then.
One or two letters were received by Shaikh Isa from the Wali of Basrah
in the early part of the year and were
Shaikh lea and tho Waliof Basrah.
shown by the Shaikh to the Political Agent
before an answer was sent.
The Political Agent suggested that, in view of the fact that the Turkish
Government were giving up their pretensions to Bahrain, the Porte might be
requested to instruct its officers in the Gulf not to communicate direct with
Shaikh Isa any longer; the proposal however was not approved.
With reference to the remarks in the last report regarding the proceedings
of Haji Abdun Nabi Karbalai ’Awaz,
Bahrain subject* abrad.
this individual was called before the
Kesident in November and warned not to issue “ Tazkirah " passes in future.
He vehemently asseverated and took oath that he would never do such a thing
again, but it remains to bo seen whether he will keep his promise. The Politi
cal Agent has since been signing “Tazkirah" passes for Persian subjects
returning to Persia.
Up to the fend of the year, as far as is known, Haji Abdun Nabi did not
break his promise.
No flag was flown on the Island, either
Turkish or ijab. Some Dosiris visited, the
place in tho autumn.
Daring the year considerable improvements were made in the Customs
premises. An upper 8torey was built on
the actual Customs House for the use of
the Direotor and for the accommodation of any spocial “ MajlisThe room
is a very good one and makes an excellent place for any important official
visitor to pay a return visit to the Shaikh, if time does not permit of a trip to
Maharraq. The new Customs shed was railed in at the sides and a fairly large
yard enclosed outside. The pier was built out to over 600 feet and will, it is
hoped, soon be completed to 800 feet whon it will accommodate oargo boats
except at very low tides, A passenger ietty is also being built at a little
distance from the pier, and between the two there, will eventually be quite a
good little boat basin. Seth Naraindas Tikamdas of the firm of Gangaram
Tikamdas, who was Dircotor of Customs up to almost the end of the year, is
responsible to a great extent for these improvements, and deserves great oredit*