Page 263 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 263

FOR THE YEAR lOJS.                   121
             poliah and his father's right hand man. To this fact no douht Shaikh Abdullah
             0*cd his peaceful succession.
                Tho Resident visitod Shaikh. Abdullah bin Jasimin August, and informed
             ),ini of tho general trend of tho negotiations between Great Britain and Turkey
             m so far as they referred to Katr.
                Up to the end of the year the Porto had not removed tho Turkish garrison
             from  Katr. Tho detachment is believed to be 200 men. Towards the end of the
             year the Turkish Gun Boat “ Marmaris " visited Katr on several occasions.
             3 From what one hears it seems that the idea prevails in Katr that the pro­
             vince will be handed over from Turkish to .British protection and the pros­
             pect apparently does not commend itself to tho people. Shaikh Abdullah has
             been uniformly friendly in his correspondence with the Political Agent, and
             shows 6igns of being anxious to please tho British Governmont.
                                             No piracies of Bahrain boats were
                                           reported during the year.
                It was not possible to get this case settled as, by the time Nasir-nt-Tuwar
                                           could be prevailed upon to como to
                    Fawairat caso of 1912
                                           Bahrain, the Somali Nakhuda and crew
             had left the Gulf and it was impossible to make a proper enquiry into the case.
             Shaikh Nasir was present several times in the Agency, but no news could bo
             obtained of the Somalis, so eventually the surety mentioned in last year's
             report was cancelled.
                Nothing of any interest in connection with the Arms Traffic occurred at
                       Arms Traffic.       Bahrain during the year.
                Further correspondence took place with reference to tho limitation of
             arms carried by pearling dhows, and finally it was suggested to the Shaikh that
             all sailing craft belonging to Bahrain, including pearling dhows should be given
             certificates showing tbq nature of the craft, name of Naklmda, number or crew,
             number of arms carried and other particulars. The Shaikh, however, demurred
             Wrongly to introducing any such new-fangled procedure and the gist of his
             objections was submitted to higher authority, siuco which nothing furthor has
             been heard of the matter.
                                             Thirteen slaves were manumitted during
                       S'aro Trade.
                                           the year without any special difficulty
                With reference to this case the man Abdur Rahim bin Mirza of Chiru
                                           came before the Political Agent in con­
                   Sale of three Somali boys.
                                           nection with another claim made against
             him while he was on a casual visit to Bahrain. His name being an unusual
             one, enquiries were made and he was found to be the man who had purchased
             the three Somali boys whose case was referred to in last year’s roporfc. After
             being detained at Bahrain for some little time in connection with the other case
             against him Abdul Rahim bin Mirza was sent to Bushire for disposal on tho
             18th May 1913.
                Nothing was hoard here of the Bahrain Ordcr-in-Council till November
                                           when the Political Agent received a copy
                   Bahrain Order-in-Council.
                                           of the Order, which had been issued on
             tho 12th August, from a book-seller. Shortly after this, however, instructions
             ttcre received to the ell'ect that the Older would not he put into force at
                In viow of the undoubted increase of work wliich the Order will bring and
             the excessive amount of work which the small office has to do at present, the
             Political Agent submitted some proposals for an increase to the Agency
                                             No progress was made with this scheme
                      WlrcleM station.
                                           during the year.
                It is not necessary to touch on these matters which are dealt with at length
                    Commercial and shipping.  in the Trade Reports.
                During the year two gas buoys, which had been seut by Government,
                                           were laid down at the entrance of
                        Qt| buoy#.
                                           Bahrain harbour. The outer buoy,
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