Page 265 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 265
FOR THE YEAR 1013. 123
persons, bankrupts and absconders were, in fact, -wound up aud dividends
The special Majlis met several times during the year in connection with
gases against tbo lato Landing Contractor, Abdul Karim Khadim, whose con
tract expired at the end of March. A considerable number of claims are still
outstanding against this individual.
A table of llio eases dealt with by the Political Agent is appended to this
There was good rain in the early part of the year, and the hot weather
was not at all a severe one. The u Barih
Shamal '* lasted a long time during the
jjot weather, and in fact considerably interfered with the pearl diving.
A memorandum on the Meteorological conditions of tlio year kindly fur
nished by Dr. Harrison of the American Mission, who is in charge of the
Meteorological instruments, is attached to this report.
There was no epidemic of plaguo or cholera during the year. This was
very fortunate particularly as the sequence
of epidemics of plague every other year,
which has prevailed since 1905, was broken.
Rear-Admiral Sir Edmond Slado aud a party of Geologists and Petro
leum Experts visited this Island in the
autumn. They arrive&in H. M. S. “ Eox ”
on the 21st November and left on the 2Gth November 1913. During
(heir stay they visited the place where there is a bitumen deposit, known
as u Ain-al-Oar.”
His Excellency Hear-Admiral R. H. Peirse, C.B., M.V.O., Naval Com-
raandcr-in-Chief, East Indies Squadron, paid an official visit in R M. S.
“ Sphinx” to Bahrain on the 7th December.
On the morning of the next day (tho Admiral having arrived on a Sunday),
Shaikh Isa paid an official visit to His Excellency and received a salute of 11
guns on leaving. Shortly afterwards His Excellency returned the Shaikh’s
call at the Mann mail Customs House, the new upper storey having been tern-'
porarily converted into a reception room. It makes a very convenient place
for such calls as it can be easily reached at all states of the tide and saves a
trip to Maharraq. At the conclusion of the visit a salute of 15 guns was fired.
His Excellency left Bahrain on 9th December 1913. Lieutenant-Colonel
Sir Percy Cox, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Eesidcnt, Persian Gulf, paid a visit to Bahrain
oa the 21sfc and 22nd November on. board the R. I. M. S. “ Lawrence”.
Major? Gen oral IV. S. Bird wood, O.B., C.I.E., D.S.O., and Colonel Lee, who
were on board, landed on the 21st, while the R I. M. S. “ Lawrence ” with
the Resident on hoard went off on some business. Sir Percy .Cox landed for a
lew hours about 11 a.m. on the 22nd November and left at 2 p.k. The Shaikh
was away on a hawking and shooting expedition and could not get back in time
to see the Resident, who intended to inform the Shaikh of his approaching
departure on leave and bid.him goodrbye.
No travellers of any note passed through
Bahrain during the year.
As mentioned above, nine European pearl dealers visited Bahrain this year.
Mr. Marx, who represents a London firm, brought Mr. L. P. Wiggins
*ith him to assist and proposes that he and Mr. Wiggins should come out to
the Gulf alternate years iu future. Monsieur Habib and M William
Rosenthal came as usual on behalf of .Messieurs Rosenthal Prbres of Paris and
Monsieur Rosanis accompanied by Mr. Paok and Mr. W. Pack came to
fcprosont another Paris firm.
Monsieur L£on Rcinhorxi and Monsieur Karl Dermer were representing a
thir.d Paris, flan.