Page 264 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 264
flashing white was fixed by R. L M. S “ Lawrence,” in April, in fj
position whore the old “ outer buoy ” used to bo shown" the common 8
ment of the shoal water. Tho inner buoy flashing rod was fixed fi*
H. M. S. " Sphinx ” about the beginning of May to mark the Jadu ^
Shoal on tho site of the old “ inner buoy.*’ Vessels whoso discharge of carrm
is somewhat delayed can now leavo tho anchorage after dark, which oftc°
means a great saving of time and money. Since tho buoys were fixed th*
outer ono has given a litllo trouble, as it ceased to flash in August, and after
this was attended to went out altogether in October. Tho inner buoy ]las
burnt steadily since it was fixed.
H. M. S. “ Pelorus ” visited Bahrain
YMto of H. JT*. Shlpt.
on ono occasion during tho year.
R E S. “ Sphinx ” called four times, three being in the pearling
H. M. S. w Odin ” came once.
H. M. S. u Fox ” came to Bahrain onco with Admiral Slade and party.
R. I. M. 8.<c Lawrenco ” visited Bahrain twice.
R. I. M. S. “ Minto ” visited Bahrain three times.
R. I. M. S. “ Palinurus ” was surveying the vicinity of the Turkish
Coast during the first quarter of the year.
The Turkish " Postmaster ” Abdur Rahiui was at Bahrain during the
earlier paid of tho year and went in for
Baarah-ilasa Post.
a good deal of petty intriguing with vari
ous members of Shaikh Isa’s family. When Bin Saud took Hasa, however,
he left and has not returned since. The regular Postal Service has becu sus
pended since that time.
Mr. Holst, who had been Manager for about threo years, left Bali rain on
leave on the 29th August 1913, being
Woaclhans and Coy.
succeeded by Mr. George Harling who
had been his assistant for four months before he left.
Dr. Worrall was senior member of the Mission, during the early part of
the year. Some dissensions, the nature of
American Miailon.
which never became public, arose in the
Mission and resulted in Dr. Worrall going on leave to India in a hurry in May
1913. He only returned in December after the annual meeting for a few
days to pack offliis effects on transfer to Ma skat. As Dr. IVorrall was Phy
sician-in-charge and Mrs. Worrall, the Lady Doctor of the Hospital, this result
ed in that institution being closed from 23rd May 1913, to the middle of
December, with the exception of part of July and August when Dr. Harrison
came to Bahrain temporarily.
American.—Four men, four women
Subject* of other Christian powers.
and two infants
CanadianOne woman, in American. Mission.
French.—(Dtuiti* pearl season, June to October) six men represen
tatives of three pearl dealing firms and their assistants.
German.—One man, the representative of Messrs. Robert Wonckhaus
and Coy.
The disposal of cases has been rendered somewhat loss difficult reocntly
owing to the fact that the old Amir o
Manamah has at last been removed
active Amirs have now been appointed both in Manamah and Maharraq*
There is consequently some improvement in the production of
witnesses. It is hoped that matters will oontinuo to improve in this direction.
The Chief Kazi, Shaikh Jasim bin Mebza, continued to deal satisfactorily
with cases referred to him.
The Salifah Judge Muhammad bin Fadhal also did very good work.
In tho autumn an effort was made to dispose of a number of the old
ministration cases lying with the Majlis-ul-Urfl, and a lot of estates of decease