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                      100 killed and tho latter about 80. Shaikh Ajairni, who was completely
                      appeared to have had tho Mutair, Ban, Husain as-Saiy id and Thukra
                      with him and his cousins tho Ba’adur * An’naim, Ziad and Safah tribes.
                      reported that ho had again been attacked by them in June at Al-IC^v,.^
                      and had lost 50 of his men with as much as £T.15,000 in cash.   al5,ali
                          The Dhaffir Tribe — Tho Dhafiir tiibo under their Shaikh Hnmudas-Su
                      attacked and scvorcly defeated Shaikh Ajaimi bin Sadun of the Muntafi]Ta^
                      the neighbourhood of Abu Gliar and Rakhaimiya, the encounter taking ni lQ
                      about tho middlo of March.                                  a A acc
                          In tho first week of March it was reported that orders had been recci
                                                    at Basrah from Constantinople to r<y.j t
                             Shaikh Mubarak’* affairs.
                                                    the landed property bought by Shaikh
                      Mubarak without requiring him to take out an Ottoman Nationality Cei-K
                      ficato. The privilege was accorded in consideration of tho subscription which
                      he sent in Jauuary in aid of the sufferers in the Turko-Balkan War.   Q
                          Mr. N. S. Bayankar, a British Indian, arrived on tho 27 th February to
                      carry out his contract to install electric light in tho Shaikh’s palace, qv
                      Palace was lighted with electricity on tho night of the 28th April for the
                      first time aud crowds of people gathered to see the innovation. In his contract
                      Mr. Bayankar had to provide some 400 lamps in the palaco buildings; the
                      motive power is a small oil-engine binning kerosinc and the whole plant is
                      in the charge of 2 British Indians. The cost of the installation was   some
                      B12,000 to 1115,000.
                         Shaikh Mubarak became seriously ill with bronchitis with cardiac and
                      renal complications in April. Ho was treated by the American Mission
                      Doctor and the Agency Assistant Surgeon. Under their treatment he im­
                      proved, though for over a week his condition gave rise to considerable anxiety.
                      He was again somewhat ill during the second week of May though apparently
                      not sufficiently seriously to requiro the services of either the Agency Assistant
                      Surgeon or the Mission doctor.
                         In March 1913 a claim was made to the Political Agency by an Italian
                     Engineer, Guiseppo Seracliioli, from Alrw&z for the recovery of £120 from
                     Shaikh Mubarak. It appeared he had contracted to install engine, dynamo
                     and fittings for electric light complete in the Shaikh’s yacht for £130 of
                     which the Shaikh had advanced him £60. Subsequently, having delivered
                     the plant the Engineer required structural alterations made in the vessel
                     itself in order to instal it, and, though such alterations came within his contract
                     he neglected to complete it. Eventually the Shaikh gave him the alternative
                     either of completing his contract or of returning the advance of £60 and
                     removing his machinery and apparatus which were lying in the Shaikh’s
                     yacht. As these alternatives appeared to he fair enough Guiseppe Serachioli
                     was asked to select one of them, but nothing further has been heard from him
                     and presumably he has settled the case with the Shaikh direct. The case is of
                     interest as M. G. Sarachioli first appealed to the German Consul at Bushirc,
                     probably assuming that he -was in charge of Italian interests and that Kuwait
                     was Turkish territory. Apparently he must have received a reply that the
                     German Consul had no jurisdiction and then addressed the Political Agent.
                         With the British Government.—The same friendly and cordial relations
                                                    continue to exist between Shaikh Mubar..
                         Shaikh Mubarak*i Foreign Relation,.
                                                    and tho British Government and tn
                     Political Agent. He seems to have now thoroughly realized that his in
                     coincide with those of the British Government and readily gives his suppo^ a
                     assistance to any proposal or project suggested to him.
                        On the 29th July a large portrait in oils of His Majesty tho King-BjjjPSS
                    George V, presented by Government, was formally unveiled in the. Snai* •
                    palace. The day was treated as a holiday and marked by tho dressing °*v
                    Shaikh’s flagstaff and by all boats in harbour flying their flags. In.
                    noon a gathering of all local notables took place at tho Shaikh's palace,
                    ed also ciy the European community. Tho Political Agent brieflyaCl
                    tho gathering and the a unveiled Hia Majesty’s portrait. After this the
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