Page 274 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 274
A Mill Aziz Bin Salim Badr, formerly Shaikh Mubarak’s Secretary
now agent at Basrah, arrived from Basrah in the Shaikh’s yacht on the 9 nf
A pril with Haji Ta’ali Chalabi, Member of the Basrah Chamber cf Commn ^
and the Turkish Mudir-i-Tapu (Land Registrar) of Basrah. The two ]aj?°'
it appears were at Fao and, on hearing that Shaikh Mubarak was very ill, hoa^
cd tho yacht tln-ro o.nd came to sec him; both returned to Basrah fiv0 ,
later. The visit was probably connected with tho registration of the Shaikh
properties in the' Tapu Office. 18
The Kaimakara of l?ao arrived from Fao by a "ballam ” on the 13*1
April to bog tho payment in advance of tho land taxes on the Shaikh’s dat
gardens at Fao for the ensuing Arabic year. He returned a few days after
the Shaikh having given him a draft on Basrah to fall due on the fust day 0f
the new fiscal year.
Eleven Turkish sailors arrived in Kuwait on the 2Gth May. It appears
that in making for the Lightship at tho Shatt-el-Arab Bar they were drifted
south by wind and tide and, after 5'days at sea, succeeded in landing to the
south of Ras-ul-Arz whence they came overland.
The Shaikh’s relations with Shaikh Kliazal continue to be very friendly
and intimate. He visited Failiyah 4 times
With the Shuikh of Mobammerah.
during the year remaining as many as
G and 8 weeks on each occasion. In the 3rd week of January he sent 1,000
bags of. rice by native boats to Shaikh Khazal for the use of the latter’s force
at Nasiri.
In tho beginning of ilie year Reverend Calverley and Dr. Harrison of the
American Mission aiqdied to the Shaikh
With the American Minion.
to help them to visit Anizah or Riyadh.
The Shaikh evaded a direct answer by requesting them to produce a written
assuranco from the Political Agent that he had no objection to their proposal.
They then addressed a joint letter to the Political Agent requesting this assu
rance and absolving him from any responsibility should they come to grief
in their enterprise. The Political Agent did his best to discourage them from
attempting so hazardous an undertaking, warning them that the invitations
which they had received from Bedouin medically treated in the Mission
Dispensary were no safeguard owing to their want of* influence. Finding it
difficult to shelve their application, the matter was referred to the Political
Resident and by him to the Government of India. With their authority the
bead of the Mission at Basrah was informed that it was considered inconsistent
with British interests for members of the Mission to visit Central Arabia from
the coast of the Gulf and that we were therefore compelled to'discourage such
an enterprise. The matter, however, has not been dropped and may lead to
difficulties in the future.
Mr. Shaw of Messrs. Shaw and Haynes, Consulting Engineers, Basrah,
started work on the new Mission hospital in January but, owing to delay in
receiving material and want of labour, tho work proceeded very slowly
Mr. P. C. Haynes who was latterly superintending the construction stopped
work in the middle of November, since when further funds have been provided
and the building is now being pushed forward together with the quarters for
the Minister and the Doctor.
Hr. Harrison and Reverend and Mrs. Calverley, with occasional visits to
other Gulf ports, were in Kuwait almost throughout the year. Tho former
was, however, relieved by Dr. Mylrea in the beginning of December when he
proceeded to Bahrain.
With the exception of an epidemic of smallpox from the middle of
Public braitb. Septerabor to the end of December, the
health of tho town has been very good.
The Agency dispensary was open throughout the year and 3,398 patients
wore treated as against 3,261 last year or
The Agency Diapcniary.
a daily average of cases of 9 30 as agams
8 95 for 1932.
One hundred and seventy-two vaccinations wore performed in 1913, &
being successful excepting 35 who did not report themselves.
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