Page 289 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 289
FOJt THE YEAR 1014L. 5
YEAR 1914.
Mr. J. G. Lorimcr, C.I.E., I.O.S., held charge of the office of Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf until hia
Ri’sMency an-l Consular Staff.
lamented death, duo to the accidental
discharge of a Colt’s pistol. This calamity occurred on the 8th February
1914. Captain L. Bird wood remained in temporary charge until the arrival, on
the 8th March 1914, of Major S. G. Knox, I.A., O.I.E., who officiated as
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and Uis Majesty’s Acting Consul-
General for Pars, etc, until the 1st November, when ho was relieved by Lieut
enant-Colonel Sir Percy Cox, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., who continued to hold charge
until the end of the year.
# Captain L. Birdwood held the office of First Assistant to the Resident
until his departure on leave, on the 6th June 1914, when ho was relieved by
Captain "W. G. Nealo, who held charge of this post until the close of the year.
Lieutenant P. G. Loch remained as Second Assistant to tho Resident until the
2oth June, when he was relieved by Captain E. TV. C. Noel, who hold charge
until the end of the year. Lieutenant P. G. Loch was also posted temporarily as
First Assistant to the Political Resident from the 9tb February to the 7th March.
Major S. Hunt, I.M S., performed the duties of Residency Surgeon and
Chief Quarantine Officer in the Persian Gulf until tho 20th October, when he
was relieved by Major J. M. McPherson, I. M S.
The post of Mobile Assistant to the Chief Quarantine Officer remained
vacant throughout the year.
Mr. Vice-Consul H. G. Chick hold charge of the Vice-Consulate until the
11th May, when he made over charge to Mr. C. J. Edmonds, Consular Assis
tant. The last named officer retained charge of the Vice-Consulate until Mr.
H. G. Chick again returned to duty on the 13th December 1914 and Mr.. 0. J.
Edmonds reverted to the post of Consular Assistant, which he held until the
close of the year.
The post of His Majesty’s Consul at Shiraz was filled by Major W. F.
T. O’Connor, C.I.E., throughout the year.
Monsieur Loiko held charge of the Russian Consulate-General throughout
„ . • the year.
Foreign Interest*. “
Herr Wassmuss, German Consul, held charge until the 8th July, when
Doctor H. Listomann returned from leave, and assumed charge, which .he .held
until the end of the year.
Mr. F. H. C. Gibbs, Manager of the local branch of the Imperial Bank of
Persia, was in charge of the Norwegian Vice-Consulate until the 28th Feb
ruary, when ho was relieved by Mr. W. F. Man son, also of the Imperial Bank,
who held charge until the end of the year.
Nedjod Rojeb remained in charge of the Turkish Consulate until the 3rd
July, when ho committed suicide. After his death, the affairs of the Consulate
were entrusted to Moollah Husain, a local Persian, who has been Turkish Con
sular Dragoman for many years. No Consul de carrieve has yet been sent
to replace Ncdjed Rejeb.
His Majesty’s Consul-General held charge of tho French Vice-Consulate
uniil tho 36th September, when, after a poriod of about 2 J years, during which
French interests had boon, in the charge of this Consulate-General, Monsieur
Vadala arrived, assumed and remained in charge .until the end of the your*
Owing to the|departure, in the end of July, of Major Marzin, the French mili
tary doctor, who was in medical charge oi the Russian and French Consulates
ana of tho Imperial Persian Customs Department and, owing to tho 'fact that'