Page 290 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 290

                    no substitute was sent by France to replace him, the charge of all these vario^
                   medical interests devolvod on the Rcsidonoy Surgeon, who continued »to
                   charge these rather difficult and delicate duties to the satisfaction of his mifly
                   employers and until the end of the year. The Customs were particularly
                       Major S. G. Knox, I.A., C.I.E., as acting British Consul-General, on tho
                   8th March, assumed charge of Dutch interests from Captain L. Bird wood, and
                   remained in charge for the rest of tho year.
                       On tho 2nd July, Dr. Marobbio, Doctor of Coinmerial Sciences, arrived
                   in Bushiro to ropresont Italian interests. Eo remained only a short time and
                   left for Tehran vui Mohainmerah and Ahwaz, handing over charge of the Con­
                   sulate ho had founded to Captain W. G. Noale, who held cliargo until the end
                   of tho year.
                       Mirza Ali Muhammad Khan, the Muwaqqar-cd-Dowleh, continued to hold
                                                  charge of the office of Governor of the
                              Persian Officials.
                                                  Gulf Port9 throughout the year. His
                   attitude towards British interests has been somewhat supino of late.
                       During the War, he lias, on the whole, preserved the neutrality towards
                   belligerents enjoined on him by the Central Government at Tehran. In his
                   demeanour, however, signs of pro-German sympathies have not been lacking.
                   They arc probably induced by Peraiau public feeling around him, actively anti-
                   Russian, suspicious of Great Britain and therefore pro-German.
                                                    Tho Mukhbir-fcs-Sultaneh lias remain­
                          Governor*General of Far*.
                                                  ed, throughout the year, at Ills post at
                                                  Sbiraz.     •
                       Mirza Ahmad Khan, Masud-es-Sultaneh, continued to hold the post cf
                                                  Foreign Office Agent at Busliire, through­
                                                  out the year. This last year he has
                   been unjustifiably slack in dealing with British cases, more probably however
                   from excessive opium smoking and indolence than any anti-British bias.
                       Abdur Riza Khan, mentioned last year, lias held the post continuously
                                                  and attracted no particular notice.
                           Kalantar and Kalkbuda.
                       Monsieur H. Bourgeois took over charge from Monsieur Zwinne on the
                                                  29th March 1914?- Monsieur Bourgeois
                                                  has, especially since the War broke out,
                   shown a steady desire to work in with the British. He appears to be a
                   capable and conscientious official with a sincere desire to do his best for the
                   interests he is in charge of, and this Residency has no reason to complain
                   of him.
                       Some figures showing the effect of the War on the port of Bushire have
                  been obtained through the courtesy of the Provincial Director and are quoted
                   as of some interest.
                   Comparative statement showing Customs duties levied at Bushire during the
                        months 21st August to 20th December for the years 1913 and 1914.
                                       Imports.                1918.     1914.
                         21st August to 20fch September ,    216,275,65 1 01,36 6,95
                         21st September to 20th October .    259,807,35   117,136,85
                         216t October to 20th November ,   .  165,300,85   124,296,40
                         21st November to 20th December     166,500,50  *51,996,35

                                                 Total      807,974,35  654,796,55
                         Decrease for four (4) months in 1914   •   Karans 153,177,80
                                       Exports.                1915.     1914.
                         21st August to 20th September .  •*  81,374,30 67,839,85
                         21st September to 20th October     203,716 55   172,659,55
                         21st October to 20th November      127,091,80 73,241,55
                         21st November to 20th December      36,133,25   101,668,45

                                                 Total      448,314,90   405,399,40
                         Increase for four (4) months in 1914  9  .   Krans 17,034,50
   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293   294   295