Page 309 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 309

                                     FOR TUB YEAR 1014.
             interests of the solitary Russian subject in tbo district and so fulfilled tho
             whole duties of his office.
                 For the first seven months of the year trade was normal and the reads
                                           from the coast enjoyed an unusual degree
                                           of safety, though the Balucli raids caused
             rather a shortage of transport. The dislocation of tho money-market and of
             shipping on the outbreak of War caused practically a total cessation of trade
             for a lime, but before tho end of tlio year things began to improve and a few
             caravans arrived from Bandar Abbas. Details are given in. tho Trade Report.
                 Tho hospital continued to do useful work and was kept full practically
                                           continuously. Tho out-patients, were as
                   Church Missionary Society.
                                           numerous as ever and taxed the exertions
             of the staff considerably. The new school opened by Mr. Boy land has been
             well patronised and promises to bo a real benefit to the rising generation of
                 The small European community had to deploro tho deaths of two of its
                                           members Dr. Ronne, the new Doctor of
                    Tho Europoan community.
                                           the Gendarmerie, had hardly arrived in
             Kerman when he went down with enteric fever which proved fatal and he died
             on the 29tli of June. Tho same disease carried olf Miss Bird of tho Church
              Missionary Society on tho 16th of A ugust. Dr. Ronne’s valet contracted tho
             disease at the same time as his master but recovered. The War naturally ab­
              sorbed everyone’s thoughts but in such a mixed society wheio sympathies were
              not all on the same side discussion had frequently to be restricted. Tho post
             was rendered more irregular than ever and letters and papers became 9 instead
              of 0 weeks after date.
                 There was an abnormal storm in Juno accompanied by torrential rain.
                       Mctooroiorical       which did considerable damage, but there
                                            was otherwise no unusual weather. The
              following is tho record of the raiufall and maximum and minimum temperature
              recorded each month :—
                                                        SUxiMuai     Mini near
                                                       TaMPEBitUB*.  Tempebatubi.
                                          Fall*.  Icohos.  Dogreos.  Data.  Degrees.  Data.

              January .                      4     •60   75-4  22nd   23*   3rd
              February                      16    2-46   626  27th    23*8  lit
              Marsh                          7     •35   83*7  Slat   22*6  18th
              April                          r    1'08   90-   29th   64*   7th
              May                                       104-2  29th   47-3  4th
              Judo                           4     •89   105-8  20th  62-   3rd
              July   t                                   112-  20th   64-6  6th
              August   ,                                 104-6  15th  48-   21st
              September                      3     •21   103-   1st   39*  28th
              October   ,                    2     •16   94-   9th    88-5  17th
              XoTomber                       6     •76   80*   14th   80-6  9th
              December                       2     •38    72-   1st   26-   26th
                                            60    6-74         • ••
                  There was a light fall of snow in December.
                  Two sharp shooks of earthquake wore felt on 24th April and 3rd June
                                           O. DUCAT, Libutbnant-Oolonel,
                                         Dm Britannic Majesty'* Consul JCertxan.
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