Page 312 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 312


                       The following foreign subjects wero residents at the ports of tbo Mckrau
                                                 Coast during the year :—
                            Foreign Subject*.

                            Nam*.             Place.  Naroo of prcUgS.  Rc marie*.

                   Johannes Pater          Charbar                 Dutchman. Is in charge
                                                                    o£ Persian Customs.

                      Out of seven fresh claims preferred by British Indian subjects
                               C!o;inB           against the people of Mekran during the
                                                 year, one was settled and the remaiuing
                  are under settlement. One old claim against Mir Ahmed Khan was also
                  settled. Two claims of the line establishment against a subject of Islam
                  Khan were settled by that Chief. Islam Khan has satisfactorily settled the
                  case regarding the Shah Beg patrol, whose property he had looted in 1913,
                  and has given assurances that he will protect him in future. Nothing was
                  done as regards other cases proved at the meeting held at Charbar in June
                  and July 1906, particulars of which were supplied to His Britannic Majesty’s
                  Minister at Tehran. There seem no prospects of their settlement in the
                  near future.
                      During the year a dinghy of a British Iudian subject resident at Gwadur
                                                 with cargo belonging to a Kuwait subject
                                                 was wrecked off Ras Maidani. The
                  cargo was salved by the Islam Khan’s men who sold it and kept the proceeds.
                  A lifeboat of 8. S. “City of Winchester” which was sunk by the Germans
                  inside the Kuria Murias was picked up by a Nakhuda of a boat about seven
                  miles from Ormara.
                      A Mekran Levy Corps escort of one Native officer and fifty men was
                            luilitaryescort      supplied to the Assistant Superintendent,
                                J                Jask Sub-division, for the annual inspec­
                  tion of the telegraph line. After his arrival at Charbar from Jask the escort
                  was returned to their headquarters.
                     Mr. Pinsent, Assistant Superintendent’s, report, regarding the condition of
                 districts with which he is immediately concerned, is enclosed.
                     Mir. M. P. O’Reilly, Officer in Charge- of Telegraph Station, was
                           Biitiih Official..        Director’s representative throughout
                                                 the year in connection with political
                     Shaikh Saleh arrived as Deputy-Governor of Jask from Bushire on the-
                                                 18th December with ten “ Tufangchis "
                        Deputj’-Gorernor of Jasfc.
                     Mirza Assadullah Khan arrived from Bandar Abbas on the 15th April to
                                                relieve Mirza Abdur Rahman, who left for
                           Persian Customs.
                                                Kishm on transfer on the 22nd. The
                former was relieved by Mirza Husain Khan, who arrived on the 6th May and
                has been there since. Mirza Assadullah Khan returned to Bandar Abbas.
                    On the recommendation of Mr. Pinsent, a present (a telescope) was sent
                                                to Mir Barkat. He sent several letters
                          Mir Bsrkst Khan.
                                                to the Officer in charge of the Telegraph
                Station asking him to arrange an interview with the Director but, uudor
                instructions from the Political Resident, who considered the sending of a present
                sufficient recognition for the time and an interview undesirable, ho was told
                that the meeting could not be arranged.
                    A garrison of 80 native troops under two British officors and 3 Indian
                          Waf. TrooM.           officers was maintained at Jask for tno
                                                protection of the Telegraph Station and i
                connection with the Arms Traffio operations. One British and one Ind10
                officer and 20 sepoys were sent to Charbar on special duty.
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