Page 316 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 316


                          (c) Anotlicr fight between Mir Moesa Khan and Sarfraz Khan, brother,
                                ol' ltustam Khan, and an outlaw named Pin is said to hav«
                                takon place at Kasserkaud in September last. Piri has of 1
                                been looting and oppressing the people of the district and it -\vas
                                desirable that he should be captured. Hearing of Piri’s where­
                                abouts the Chiefs came to Dadati, about 0 miles north of Kas-
                                sorkand, and found the outlaw and his followers had takon refuge
                                on a hill close by. The placo was surrounded and in a
                                lasting 4 hours Piri was captured after losing 4 killed and a fow
                                wounded. The man is now a prisoner but it is not decided
                                what punishment he is to receive.
                        Two Chiefs control this section of Persian Baluchistan, Mir Mahmud
                                                   Khan and his nephew Mir Bin Muham­
                              Dothliarl District.
                                                   mad Khan, the Headquarters of the
                    former being Talang and the latter at Mirai Bazaar. There was a slight
                    improvement in the relationship between the two last year, hut at present
                    there is a deal of ill-feeling prevailing owing to Bin Muhammad’s headstrong
                    behaviour. Bin Muhammad at the time of his father’s death, in 1906, was
                    a minor and the district was then divided, a portion going to Mir Mahmud
                    Khan his uncle. Since obtaining his majority lie has always considered this
                    an injustice and it has been a source of friction between these men. The
                    telegraph subsidy was also divided at the same time, thus adding to Bin Mu­
                   hammad’s discontent. Ho contends that his father Mir Abdi Khan was sole
                   Chief of the district, drawing all the revenues also the full telegraph subsidy,
                   and he considers it a hardship having now to share it with his uncle. It is
                   reported that tho situation in Bashtiari at present is critical, both Chiefs being
                   ready to take the offensive at any moment. Sirdar Saiyid Khan is said to be
                   secretly assisting Bin Muhammad and Sirdar Islam Khan helping Mahmud
                   in his quarrel with his nephew. Din Muhammad is said to have threatened to
                   collect a force and attack tho Cfcarbar Station recently, but in my opinion
                   this is all talk. A Baluchi Chief of these parts would never dare to attack a
                   place which is partially fortified and garrisoned by Indian troops. Besides
                   •when, a chief has a grievance against the Government, he always begins by in­
                   terfering with the lino staff and threatens to cut the wires, hut as this has
                   not occurred it can be assumed that nothing will come of the threat.
                       This district is under the dual control of Mira Ashraf and Ahmed Khan
                                                  and the feeling between these two Chiefs
                              Balm Dlitnct.
                                                  is anything but satisfactory, a state of
                   affairs which has been in existence quite a number of years now. Frequently
                   petty quarrels are always being reported. Ahmed Khan is an unscrupulous
                   man, willing to take advantage of any opportunity to harm Mir Ashraf, who is
                   anything but a strong man in managing his affairs. Whatever the private
                   quarrels between these two Chiefs may be, their feelings] towards the Govern­
                  ment are quito friendly. British Indian subjects are free to move anywhere on
                  business and the line establishment and line are never interfered with in any
                      The exportation of slaves from the Mekran to the Arab Coast has practi-
                               GeMraL             cally ceased, no cases having been brought
                                ners              to my notice during the year under report,
                  but slaves continue to change hands in the country.
                      There was an exceptionally good rainfall last winter and the rains up to
                  date ample to commence with, consequently the country is in a flourishing
                      The War with Turkey has up to date had no effect on the people of the
                  country ; the only Chief, Islam Khan, I have mot so far informed me that be
                  had heard of the capture of Basrah and also of its recapture by the Turks, but>
                  as ho did not appear to be very interested in the doings of his co-religioniste*
                  I allowed tho conversation to drop.
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