Page 315 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 315
rOH TIIE YfiAIt 1014. 31
received it would appear that much ammunition had boon expended, but the
casualty list was small—ono killed (Mir llaji) and throe wounded on both
sides. .Barkat then returned to Mishi and Is now disarming the people, and
it is said that it is his intention to turn all ITaji’s sons out of the district.
Mirza Khan of Rudbar is said to be taking up cudgels on behalf of tho
lato Mir Haji’s sons, and it isi reported no is collecting a following and pre
paring to fight Barn at. lluji’s second son Gul Muhammad Khan married
one o f Mirza Khau’s daughters, and it is expected this Chief will give Barkat
a deal of trouble in the immediate future.
At the time of wilting, reports from Biaban and other sources are reach
ing mo to tho effect that Mir Gul Muhammad Khan, assisted by Mirza Khan,
has collected a force and is leaving Manooja with the intention of bringing
Barkat to book at olco. Barkat is said to be ready and a fight is expected shortly.
In my opinion nothing beyond a small scrap or two will occur ; the average
Baluchi dislikes serious fighting and the shedding of a little blood invariably
causes an immediate retirement oil both sides.
The district of Bashkard is under tho immediate control of Mirza Khan
of Rudbar, who sub-let a portiou to Barkat, but within the last few months
some ill-feeling has sprung up between tho two and Mirza LChau relieved
Barkat of his portion. In all probability this is the cause of the recent fight
v hich resulted in the death of Mir Haji.
Mir Barkat is well disposed towards the British Government, all claims
against him by our employees have been settled, but so far he has uot complet
ed the deposit of 11s. 5,000 required of him by the Political authorities, a
balance of Its. 1,500 still remaining due. Siuce Barkat’s behaviour of late, as
far as our interests arc concerned, has been extremely satisfactory, I think it
would be advisable if the Tts. 3,500 deposited with the clerk iu charge, Jask
Station, be accepted as the maximum security required and the Chief be
granted the pardon he is so anxious to obtain.
This district continues to bo under the charge of Sirdar Saivid Khan,
who, from all reports, is said to be fast
Ga'di District.
losing his authority owing to his irregular
habits, being addicted tn opium eating and smoking. The Bampur district
i> still under his control, the Persian Govcrnor-Gcueral of Kerman having
leased it to him for the past several years, and so Ion.' as the revenue demanded
by that official is regularly paid thore seems to be no probability of the Persian
Government putting their own man in as Governor. Besides, it pays Sirdar
Saiyid Khan to keep the place under his control, knowing full well that the
appointment of a Persian official means ruin to the country generally. In
former years the Peisian Governor of Barapur annually made a tour through
Persian*Baluchistan collecting taxes personally, now Sirdar Saiyid Khan has
undertaken this duty, handing over a fixed sum yearly to the Kerman
Yery little of any interest has transpired during the year, occasional fight
ing has taken place between the different Chiefs and Headman, the most import
tant of which is said to be the following :— !
(a) Sirdar Islam Khan of Bint, a nephew of Saiyid Khan, is the coming
Chief in these par‘s, and on or about the end of July last it was
reported that there was some ill-feeling between uncle and
nephew which resulted in a scran at Faauch lasting a wholo day
and the death of one of Saiyia Khau’s followers. Apparently
peace was patched up immediately after because Islam Khan,
assisted by Saiyid Khan proceeded a few days later to Kutaioh,
60 miles from Fanucli, aud looted ono Chiragh Khan of 12
camels and also killed one of his men.
(6) A squabble botwoen Sirdar Bahrain Khau of Dizak and bin ryots
is reported to have occurred about the same time as the above.
One Shai Mohran, a inan of influence, murdered one Mehr Dil.
Bahrain. Khan summoned Shai Alchmn to Sarbaz to enquire into
the matter, die enquiry ending in a fight in which Slmi Mehran
and 0 othors were killed, Bahrain Khan losing 5 killed and one