Page 379 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 379

FOR TER YEAR jgi5.                       25
             AVitli 80 men of tho Mckran Lovy Corps under a non-commissioned officer
             at Daslit. Tlio raiders were attacked and cvontually retired abandoning
             some of the looted property and leaving lGdcad including -Amin Khan, brother
             of Mir Bahrain Khan of Bampur. They carried off a quantity of booty.
                 In July news arrived that Mir Bahrain Khan was collecting a consi­
             derable force with the object of attacking Charbar or British Mckran. It
             was also reported that Khalifah Khair Muhammad and a band of Afghans
             would co-operate with Bahrain Khan. The information was confirmed by
             subsequent reports which said that preparations upon a large scale were being
             made. It was reported, towards the end of August, that Bahrain Khan had
             left Bampur with a large following. The advance guard of the hostile force
             arrived at Sarbaz in early September. The destination of the raiders was not
             known until the main body invaded British Mckran and engaged the Mekran
             Levy Corps at Goomazi, on the 23rd September. The surrounding country
             was looted. A detachment of the enemy’s' force came to Ankaroo, eight
             miles from Gwadur, where they killed some Baluchis and plundered tho place'
             unopposed. Preparations for the defence of Gwadur were made by His
             Highness the Sultan of Maskat, who went therein his yatch bringing a Maxim
             gun and some Arab sepoys. He ordered the construction of a wall to protect
             the town against the raiders. The enemy, repulsed by tho Nazira’s forces,
             retired to Pi shin and thence returned to Bampur. "When the raid was in
             progress Sirdars Saiyid Khan, Islam Khan and Nawab Khan, Bameri, collected
             a force of about 2,000 men which, under the command of the two latter, was
             despatched to Sarbaz. Authentic details of the action they took against
             Bahrain Khan are not forthcoming but it seems that their timely action had
             an effect in hastening Bahram Khan’s retirement. In recognition of their
             action, Bs. 1,000 each was given to Saiyid and Islam Khan and Rs. 500 to
             Nawab Khan. The first two were also supplied with some ammunition to
             enable them to check Bahram Khan.
                On the 9ih September news was received to the effect that fighting bad
             occurred near Charbar between [Mahmud Khan’s and Din Muhammad’s men.
             The trouble was due to the murder of the former’s Wazir, Murad, by some of
             the men of the latter chief. The result of the fighting has not been reported.
                At the end of November Khalifah Saiyid Muhammad, an Afghan who
             has for many years lived at Debai, landed at Gunad with 53 cases said to
             contain arms and ammunition. He has not yet revealed his intentions. He
             is at present at Namurdi in the Biaban district
                No progress has been made towards tho settlement of the claims against
                                            the chiefs and people of the Persian
                                            Baluchistan on the part of the British
            subjects, the majority of which claims have been pending for some years
                No foreign subjects were resident at the pores of the Mekran Coast during
                      Foreign Subject*.    the yc8JT.
                                              The following chiefs were in receipt of
                      Sntndiied Chief*.
                                            telegraph subsidies during the year:—•

                      Name of Chief.        Habitat.        Sons.         paid

            Mir Mustafa Khan of Jask      Old Jask  Chiragh Khan, Mnrad    480
                                                     Khan, -Dad Khuda
                                                     Khan, Abdi Khan,
                                                     Jalal Khan, Azam
                                                     Khan and Beezd&r
            Mir Hofi of Jask .             Do.      Mohim and Haji ,   .   S60
            Sirdar Saiyid Khan of Gaih    Gaih .    Husain Khan and Mu­   1,000
                                                     hammad Ali Khan.

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