Page 381 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 381
Mr F. J. Hushes continued to hold charge of the telegraph station arid to
look after tho interests of the British
British Official#. subjects residing at that place.
Mr. Johannes Pater, Collector of Customs, left Charbar on the 11th May.
His successor, Mirza Assadullah Khan,
Pcr-tina Custom#.
arrived on the 1st June. The latter was
relieved, on 1st December, by Mirza Ibrahim Khan who has been there since.
Sbahdad Abbas and Yusaf Safar were the Walis of Charbar throughout
the year acting under the orders of Mirs
Din Muhammad and Mahmud Khan
respectively. The latter chief appointed Sulaiman Dilwush as joint "Wali with
Yusuf Safar, on the 26th October.
In June, Saleh Muhammad, a British subject, was arrested by the orders
of the Officer Commanding the Military
detachment on tho charge of supplying
information of any use to the enemies of the British Government. Hfs house
was searched, nothing incriminating was found but as his presence was undesir
able, in view of the disturbed state of the country, be was deported to Karachi
and banded over to the Police there.
In September, a Baluch, named Qadi Bukbsh, accompanied by two others,
came to Charbar with the object of kid
napping Moktag Sarwash, a manumitted
slavo*girl, but she managed to elude them. Later on they caught Jomuk
Sarwash, also a manumitted slave, and decamped. The matter was referred
to Shai Dost Muhammad, brother of Saivid Khan, who recovered the boy and
sent him hack to Charbar.
The strength of tho Military detachment kcpt here for the protection, of
the Telegraph station, was 100 rank and
Native Troop#.
file under one British officer and on'c
Indian officer.
The following ships of His Majesty’s Navy and Royal Indian Marine
visited Charbar during the year :—“Fox”,
‘BTy’ Dartmouth ”, “Pclorus”, “Philomel”,
“ Pyramus’’, " Bramble”, “ Odin ” and “ Dalhousie ”,
Munshi Abdul Rahim was Native Assistant during the year.
Shaikh Ghalib bin Ali was removed, on 14th July, from the ‘Waliship of
WalL Gwadur. He was succeeded bv Saiyid
Hamud who remained up to 13tK October
on which date he was relieved by Prince Salim, brother of the present ruler
of Maskat.
Seth Muhammad Rahmoo continued to hold charge of the Sultan’s
All disputes arising between British subjects were settled by arbitration
JadWaL on the spot or by correspondence with
me at Karachi
Thirteen fugitive slaves took refuge in the office of the Native Assistant
siarc*. during the year. All of them were sent
to Karachi at Government expense.
In July two women and four men, all from British Mokran, arrived
U order. from Basrah. Two of the men murdered
it. i- « . , one of tho woinon; Robbery was appa-
entiy the motive. Special messengers wore sent out with orders for the
rrest of the murderers who had made their escape. One of tho murderers wan
arrested by tho Naib at Mund. Tho two men and tho woman. Tthepa™