Page 386 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 386


                     Ahwaz, tlio Bawi and Beni Turf had openly rovolted against the Shaikh, while
                     the attitude of the Chaab and the Arabs of the Mianab was doubtful. Commu­
                    nication with Mohammerali was maintained by I£. M. S. “Shaitan** and
                    “ Comet *’ patrolling the river, hut that with the fields was out off. The pipe­
                    line was at the same time breaohed and flrod in several places, and the Oil Com­
                    pany’s depflt at Mullasaui was wrecked.
                        The European inhabitants of Ahwaz had boon sent down to Moliammorah
                    at the end of January, while the liazaar was practically deserted.
                        Great efforts wero at this time made to induce Shaikh Haiizal to throw in
                    his lot with tho enemy, but without success.
                        The Turkish column with Ghazban crossed the Karkch about tho middle
                    of February and came in contact with our patrols. On the 19tb, the’ Bawi,
                    who were moving towards Ahwaz, were repulsed by Shaikh Hanzal’s force, but
                    the Chaab, under the guidance of the Mullah Saiyid Jabar, shortly after joined
                    them and threatened Ahwaz from the South-East.
                        To guard against an attack on the refinery by the Chaab, a detachment of
                    100 rifles was posted at Abadan.
                        By the first week in March a force of about 4,000 Turks with a largo
                    gathering of Arabs had established itself about 10 mi les west of Ahwaz. The
                    disaffected Bawi had occupied “Wais, and a mixed force of Chaab, Bawi, and
                    Mirs from Jarrahi threatened NasirL On the 3rd March a reconnaissance made
                    in force from Ahwaz met with an overwhelming body of the euemy and though
                    inflicting 500 or 600 casualties, themselves suffered severely.
                       The following month, after the battle of Shaiba, the Turkish force withdrew
                   from the neighbourhood of Ahwaz and the situation began to improve. A
                    strong column was sent to operate in the country west of the Karun which
                   inflicted severe punishment on tho Beni Turf. The Shaikhs of this tribe were
                   exiled and others appointed. The B.awi made their submission to the Shaikh’s
                   representative, on the 5th May, and an agreement was taken from them for
                   the protection of the pipe-line. Repairs to the letter were forthwith commenced
                   and were completed by the 17tb. Europeans returned to Ahwaz on the 9th
                   May. Early in June, the Shaikh sent an expedition under Shaikh Chasih
                   against the Chaab and another one with the same objective up the Khor Buzia.
                   These were successful and inflicted considerable losses on the rebel tribes. The
                   latter then made submission, with the exception of an insignificant number,
                   who together with some of the Mirs of Jarrahi fled to Ramuz under Bakhtiari
                   protection. Most of them have since returned. Said Jabir, the instigator of
                   the Chaab rebellion, finally made his personal submission in December.
                       In August the Shaikh prepared and embarked a force to be sent to the
                   assistance of Haidar Khan of Haiyat Daud. Their despatch was eventually
                   found to be unnecessary. The Shaikh however during the course of the year
                   despatched two large consignments of arms and ammunition of his own for the
                   arming of friendly tribes in connection with disturbances about Bushire.
                       In October, in consequence of a religious agitation at Behbehan, instigated
                   by Saiyid Isa and financed with German money, there was a gathering of
                   Mujahidin whose intention it was reported, was to inarch on Lirawi. The
                   Shaikh of Mohammerah dispatched a strong force cf Arabs to his frontier at
                   Jarrahi and Hindijan, and owing to this and internal dessensions amongst the
                   agitators, the matter came to nothing.
                       A squadron of cavalry was detached from the Ahwaz garrison to remain at
                   Band-i-Qir in August, its object being to act as a deterrent against petty raids
                   by Arabs on the pipe line and Anglo-Persian Oil Company’s camps, and inci­
                  dentally to guard against the approach of German Agents from Ispahan to
                   6 hush ter.
                      In October, Agha Rahim, Arshad-nd-Dowleh, arrived in Dizful, nominally
                  in charge of Bakhtiari sowars, but actually to usurp the functions of Deputy
                  Governor on behalf of the Bakhtiaris, and he at once started a provocative antir
                  British policy. This individual subsequently oame to Mohammerah on a mis-
                  sion to undermine the Shaikh’s loyalty which it is needless .to say qiot with n°
                      The Waqar-ul-Mulk arrived in Dizful on • 18th November, as Deputy
                  Governor on behalf of tho Governor of Axabistan. He was however effectively
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