Page 398 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 398


                                                 YEAR 1915.

                         The year 1915 has been a healthy one there being no epidemic prevalent
                     during the year.
                         The attendance of in-patients decreased by 11 and that of out-door patients
                     increased by 1,112. The following table gives the attendance of in and out­
                     door patients during the last 3 years :—

                              To'ftr.         la* door.      Out-door.        TotaL

                     1913                       131             5,886          6,017
                     191*                       176             6,015          6,191
                     1915                       165             7,127          7,232

                         Out of 1G5 in-door patients 2 were Europeans—one Chief Officer of S. S.
                     “Koweit, ” suffering from erysipelas, died on the 2nd day of admission and
                     tho other, the medical officer of S. S. “ Pcntacotta,” suffering from sciatica
                     and rheumatism, discharged cured—and 3 natives—ono assistant light-house
                     keeper at Quoin island, suffering from wound TJ. E., discharged cured, the
                     second a stoker of S. S. “Durnra, ” suffering from tetanus, died within 3 days
                     of admission and the third, a cook’s mate of It. I. if. S. “ Nearchus,,, suffering
                     from beri beri, discharged cured.
                         238 operations were performed durin" the year, the most important
                     being cataracts 7, removal of testis 1 and ligature of subclavion artery for
                     haemorrhage L
                         His Highness the Sultan sent 8 cases of gunshot wounds (3 case3 were
                     shot in the thighs, fracturing the bones to pieces. All of them died of tetanus).
                     One had a wound in the scrotum as well as in the ankle. It was found
                     necessary to remove one of his testis. He was discharged cured. One wounded
                     in the arm—had to ligature his subclavion artery, discharged cured. Three
                     cases with abdomenal wounds, the bullet in all cases passed through. Out of
                     these 3 one died of peretonitis and the other two recovered. All the above
                     wounded cases were operated under the guidance of Miss Hr. S. Hosswon, M.D.,
                     of the American Mission. Dr. Hossmon with her nurse has given all help she
                     could during the year.
                                           I.—Rainfall for the year 1915.
                                        Date and month.                Quantity.  TotaL

                     4th January                                           •43      '41
                    7th                                                    •22 •    *4
                    4th February                                            •4      -68
                    8th Jlarcli                                            •10      •71
                    3rd April .                                            •41     Ml
                    4th „   .                                               •6     1-24
                    10th *   .                                             •30     1*4
                    10th ,   .                                             •60     2*4
                    12th Docoaber                                          •11     Ml
                    19th  m                                                 •3     9-18
                    14th  *                                                •19     9-31
   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403