Page 399 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 399

                                   FOR THE YEAR 1015.
                                II.—Temperature for the year 1915,

                                   MiXIMOM FOB TUI   Mimxuk FOB thi   Average  Average
                                       MONTH.        MONT1T.   maximum  mlnimniu
                     Month.                                     for tho   for the
                                                                month.  month.
                                   Uighoet.  Lowest.  nighcit. Lowoet.
            January                   840    700    69-2   62-1   73*3    60;8
            February                  80-8   720    71*2   01*1    810    07*4
            March                    1080    81-3   81-0   07-2    87*3   73-8
            April .                   06-6   780    83-0   70-3    87-9   70*0
            May *                    112-6   91-0   94-3   82-5   1035    85*1
            Juno •                   114*9   908    945    750    100-7   87-2
            July •                   110-3   87-8   93-5   80*9   108*0   90-5
            August.                  107-8   87-2   92-0   83-5    031    •80-4
            Septombor                104-7   89-8   880    81*1    93-4   84-9
            Odobor                    99-3   86-0   8G-4    745    036    79-3
            IJoYembor •               92-6   S2-0   75-8    07-3   87-1   719
            December                  86-3   76-0   73-9    03-2   81-2   71'2

                               7.—Lilt of French subjects and prot/yls.

                  French subjects.      French prot£g&.          Remarks.

            Mors. Paul Constance .  Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad ar  French Consulate . ragoman.
             Mona. Ebrahim Elbaz .  Isa bin Dinar         »    n    Dub ash.
                                   Sher Shah bin Dinar    »»  KhalasL
                                   Halloo                 m    »»
                                   Mahmud Shahdad
                                   Rashid bln Daruk      French Consul's cook.
                                   Shanoon .               n       peom
                                   Charuk.bin All .      8ervant of Hons. E. Elbaz.

                              II.—List of American subjects and protlgft.

                  American subject a.  American protlgdo*        Remarks.

             Bevd. J. Barney ,     Miss Lout on     *
             Miss Dr. Sarah Hotamon  MUa Cornelius «  . •

                                   Mansur Tobla •        Baghdadi Christian.


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