Page 404 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 404


                       For the greater part of the year there w{is only ono doctor at the Mission
                                                  Hospital. .The annual conference of tho
                            American Mission.
                                                  Arabian Miaion was hold at Bahrain. At
                   the end of tho year thore were six adult members present.
                       Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Mark Sykes, Bart., M.P., visited Bahrain in Septem­
                                                  ber ; Colonel Grey and the ITon’ble Mr.
                                                  Harrison, Director-General of Posts and
                   Telegraphs, in October, and tho Hon’ble. Lieutenant-Colonol Sir Percy Cox,
                   K.C.S.I, K.C.I.E., in December, when lie invested Shaikh Isa with tho badge
                   of the Companionship of the Star of India.
                       1915 had, according to local report, the hottest summer for 33 years. The
                                                  records have not been regularly kept
                                                  owing to the Mission Hospital being
                   closed. The highest temperature was 116° with considerable htimidity. No rain
                  fell during tho year.
                      The year’s catch was average in quality and quantity. There was a consi­
                                                  derable rise in prices and large stocks
                              Pearl Trade.
                                                  were disposed of. Over a quarter of a
                   million pounds worth of pearls were exported, and considerable sales were
                  taking place at tho end of the year. These sales caused a somewhat unexpected
                  improvement in the general trade of Bahrain.
                      There has been no display of religious feeling at Bahrain during the year,
                                                  and all classes are heartily sick of the
                           Condition of Raluain.
                                                              T. KEYES, Major,
                                                             Political Agent, Bahrain.

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