Page 409 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 409
Koto on Procoodincs of Hi3 Majesty’s Ships in the Persian Gulf prior to
August 1015.
“ Dalhousie " came down from Basrah on 12th January 1915 and was sent to Maskat
owing to an attack on that place by Oman tribes. She left Maskat on *26th January to act
aS escort to the Viceroy who was in “ Northbrook'’ and who proceeded to Basrah-
“ Dalhousie " returned to the Persian Gulf on 10th February and from that date wan
employed on miscellaneous duties at Maskat and the Makran Coast vicinity, Jask, Charbax
and Gwadar until ordered to Bushire on 15th July 1915.
ft Lawrence " was in the vicinity of Bushire from May to August 1915 and did much
oseful work patrolling off Halilch and the Tangistani Coast and making a rough survey of the
approaches to Dilwar and Madamari. *
These would appear to have been tbe only men-of-war in fcho Persian Gulf at this time
with the exception of occasional visits from 6loops on their way south until the arrival of
« Juno " and the formation of the Persian Gulf Squadron proper.
Persian Gulp Division.
Proceedings of His Mi jetty's Ships in the Tertian Gulf from 5th August to Slit December
1915, by Commodore D. St. A. IF ale, R.N.
In July 1915 it was decided to constitute the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia as two sepa
rate Divisions and to increase the size of the former. Accordingly H. M. Ships “Juno"
and " Pyrarnus " were despatched from England and the Cape respectively and, later on,
were supplemented by the " Bramble" and " Britomarfc" from China.
"Juno" (Commodore D. St. A. Wake) became Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf, and
"Espiegle" (Captain W. Nunn) Senior Naval Officer, Mesopotamia.
By the end of the year the Persian Gulf Division consisted of 8 vessels—" Juno,"
"Philomel " (who joined from the Red Sea Division on 4th November 1915), "Pyramus,"
“ Bramble," “ Britomart," " Lawrence," " Dalhousie " and " Mozaffer."
The Mesopotamia Division then consisted of "Espiegle, JJ u Clio" and "Odin" with
large numbers of gunboats of the ‘‘ Fly " Class and some Monitors. The effect in the Persian
Gulf was very marked, and it became easy to establish an efficient supervision of all ports.
The Persian Gulf Division was practically divided into two—"Philomel" taking control of
the Southern part of the Coast, with Maskat as her head-quarters, and " Juno" of the
Northern part with Bushire as her base.
" Juno" arrived at Buehire on 5th August 1915, where she met "Dalhousie" and
u Lawrence " and was joined shortly after by " Pyramus ".
The first matters to engage the attention of the newly formed Division were the occupation
of Bushire on the 8th August (when " Dalhousie" co-operated with the Military and seized the
Persian Customs vessels " Mozaffer,” "Azerbaijan " and " Khorassan'') and the punishment
of Rais Ali of Dilwar (a village situated on the coast 20 miles south of Bushire). This latter
was successfully carried out by "Juno," " Pyramus," "Dalhousie" and "Lawrence," with
a double company of the 96th Berar Infantry, between the 8th and 17th August. Landing
parties from the ships were actively engaged on shore, in company with the 96th Infantry, for
three days, the enemy's village being shelled during this time by the ships concerned.
At tbe conclusion of these operations “ Pyramus " was despatched to Bahrain and Doha.
At the latter-place she expelled a small body of Turkish troops from a fort which they had
occupied, and captured 8 Turkish Field Guns but was unfortunately unable to obtain the
breech-blocks. These guns were brought to Bushire and “ Pyramns" was then despatched
to the Mand river to capture and destroy any Tangistani dhows which she might find in
hiding there. Having burned several of these dhows, and having re-visited Dilwar and
6hcl]ed five other dhows which she found there, she returned to Bushire on 1st September.
After revisiting Bahrain with Major Keyes, Political Agent, she proceeded to Charbar on 14th
September and took over the duties of Senior Naval Officer. Southern Coast Porta, until tha
arnval of " Pbilomol " early in November.
. returncd with "Lawrence" to Bushire at the conclusion of the operation®
against Dilwar and has remained at Bushire for the purj>ose of assisting *with her gun® and.
?en in the defence of the island, since that date. A Field Battery of three Naval I2-nr. eun*
rom H. M. S. " Juno" is kept permanently ashore in this connection. °
■Dj]ll0usie "proceeded on 17th August to Maskat in connection with the situation oath®
Poltai1* 1\ ,Pn,6*h September she proceeded to Sib, on the Arabian Coast, with th®
4 ontical Agont, Maskat, for a conference with the rebel leader at that place.