Page 413 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 413
*0R THE YEAH 1916. 59
Statement of arma atid ammunition imported into the hTehran during the half-gear ending
10th June 19/5.
Ammuni H&khuda. L&mled by
Dat«- Rifles. tion. Whore lnixlod. Destination.
14-1-1915 .! 30 Unknown Sorkura Seven Baluchis from
Sorkam nasaod
R:\pch with tho
rifles, particular*
of landing un
13-1-1915 CO 6,000 Sadaich Fannch Unknown Consigned to a
Baluchi named
Mohrdil of
S-3-1915 30 3,000 Kishani noar Dashtiiri Do. Ten Daahciari
Gobrcg. Balnchis, names
i unknown.
Shahmorad, Roflhun
13-3-1915 55 2.175 Between Ma Bint , Do.
th land Kalat. and Dilmorad of
21-3-1915 SO 4,000 Khonarak Bint and Do. ' Valook and 5 others
Dasktiari. of hint and Shah-
mo rad of Daaht-
SO 3-1915 18 900 Do. •; Unknown Khndabux Bin Hussain and two
Bhnkh-.hullah others of Bint.
of Burka.
7-4-1915 300 30,000 Giriskin Do. Unknown . Landed by four
and ten Afghans from
mauwr Gwotter.
13-4-1915 40 2.000 Between Ma- Gaih Do. Ten Baluchis, sub
khiand Kalat. jects of fc'aiyid
21-5*191-5 300 30,000 Sadaich .. 1 Unknown Do. Landed hy two
Afghans from
20-6-19L5 50 5,000 Jagin Lashar Do. Kam&l of Laahar
and seven others.
Report by Mr. F. Pinsent, Assistant Superintendent, Jash Sub-Division, Indo-European
Telegraph Department, dated Ckarbar, the 1st January 1916, in connection toith the anna
trajjic on the Mekram Coast during the half-year ended Slat December.
The number and disposition of the four patrols employ^! remain as at the close of the
last report, but two additional telephone stations have been opened in order to facilitate the
transmission of information to Jask and to report the movements of Afghans interested in
the trade.
The period under review from the gun-running point of view has been a very quiet
one and from the attached statement it will be seen that the importation of arms into the
Mekran has fallen off considerably, but in spite of this small parties of the Afghans oontinue
to wander through the different districts in search of arms as reports have been received of
their presence in and about the Karwan district where it is said they are purchasing inferior
types of weapons from the people of the country. It is difficult to understand how the
business can be made a paying one as the majority of the rifles now procurable are of a most
Inferior kind, but doubtless a few modern weapons can also be purchased in small numbers
*bich must be sufficient attraction to the parties interested in the trade between Afghanistan
and Persian Baluchistan.
The two landings of arms in August last were effected by parties of Afghans who
left the const during the previous winter for the Arab side and their late return shows the
scarcity of arms for sale on tho opposite coast.
The landing of one Saiyid Muhammad, an Afghan of some standing, said to be known
38 the Khalifa of Debai on the coast west of Jask during the latter part of the period under
review with 53 cases believed to contain rifles, revolvers, eto., is of interest, but so far nothing
roach is known of the man and his intentions and it remains to be seen how far his influence
will affect the country generally.
the ji^kkraent ^showing tho approximate number of arms and ammunition imported during