Page 410 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 410

                       During September and tho early part of October “ Mozoffer ” was engaged, at tho
                    request of Sir Percy Cox (Chief Political Officer), in patrolling tho Shatt-ol-Arab for tho
                    protection of tho dato traders.
                       Early in October a. report vroa received from the Native Postmaster at Pasni, ’on tho
                    Mckran Coast, stating that that place was in imminent danger of attack by hostilo chiefs and
                    requesting the presence of a ship tbero. (t Py ramus ” was immediately despatched to Pasni
                    but found on arrival that the seriousness of tho situation had been greatly exaggerated, by
                    tho Postmaster and sho therefore returned to Charbar.
                       Since those ovents nothing of any importance from a Naval point of view has taken place
                   in the North of tho Gulf.
                       In the South of the Gulf there havo been frequent rumonra of disturbances at various
                   places in tho vicinity of Jask and Charbar, but on each occasion a ship has been despatched
                   as 6oon as possiblo to tbo scene and her presence has had tho desired offeeb in putting a 6top
                   to the trouble.
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