Page 433 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 433
^ftcr tho mutiny of tlic tufangohis at Lingali it seemed advisable to ap
point a sepoy guard over the Anglo-
jtnglO'Pcraian Oil Company nt Qiahm.
Persian Oil Company’s borings on Qishm
Island, and this was accordingly arranged in concert with tlic Officer Com
manding the Troops, Oman, and a guard of tho 91th Russell’s Infantry was
sent to tho works in Juno.
On the night of the 5th July a few shots were fired at the guard and
one sepoy was wounded in tho arm. The Darya Begi, who was down the Gulf
at the time, visited tho place, and as no trace of the offenders had been dis
covered, nor any clue to the attack on tho Anglo-Pcrsian Oil Company’s camp
jn the previous year, His Excellency inflicted a fine of 3,000 tomaus on the
His Excellency Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, K.C.B., etc., visited
*■— tfJt £% St*- &X*
His Excellency proceeded to Basrah in H. ML. S. “ Imogcno 99 tho same evening.
Ho returned on the 13th May in H. M. S. “ Imogene ” having visited Kuwait
and Bahrain en route from Basrah, and left on his way down the Gulf on 15th
Hay in H. M. S., Euryalus ”.
A Memorandum on the proceedings of His Majesty’s Ships in the Persian
Gulf during the year has kindly been supplied by tho Commodore and is to this report.
The Hon’ble Sir P. Z. Cox, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E , visited Bushire twice dur
ing the year, the first time in March in connection with financing the Qawam-
ul-Mulk, and the second time in iNovember after ho had been to Ojair
to interview Bin Saud.
Ten slaves from the Trucial Coast were manumitted during the year.
A report by the Presidency Surgeon and Chief Quarantine Medical Officer
is attached and also a statement showing the Meteorological observations and
the rainfall during the year.
A. P. TREVOR, Major,
Deputy Political .Resident, Persian Qulf.
Bushire ;
The 24lh February 1917.