Page 434 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 434

                       IN TIIE PERSIAN GULP, ON THE WORK OP (1) THE REsj.
                       THE GULF.
                       During the year the number of patients treated at the Hospital was
                                                 15,675. Of these 15,520 were out-patients
                                                 and 55 in-door cases.
                       Tho operations performed were 639.
                      The health of the Gulf Portsj oxccpt in the case of Mohammerah, Abadan*
                              Sanitary.         and Randar Abbas was good.
                       Bandar Abbas suffered a good deal from small-pox, while plague and
                   cholera occurred at tho two former ports.
                      In Mohammerali cne case of plague was reported to have occurred on
                   10th April. Several cases were found by 10th May, and quarantine was
                   imposed against Mohammerah from that date. Until the town was declared
                  free, the total number of plague cases was 202.
                      Cholera was first reported in Mohainmerah on tho 5th Juno, and by the
                  10th June, when quarantine was imposed, the disease bad been found in tli®
                  town, and among Indian employes of Strick Scott & Co. occupied in barge
                  building. The total number of*cases, until the town was declared free on 2Sth
                  June, was 86.
                      At Abadan, cholera occurred in the end of May. There were 50 cases and
                  2d deaths in all. These included cases occurring in two Sikh sweepers, deserteis
                  from Basrah, a Gurkha of the oil Guard, and some men from the Transport
                  *• Kurmak ” and from H. M. S. “ Alert.”
                      At Bushire a small and quickly limited outbreak of plague was discovered
                  on the 5tk April. The cases occurred among coolies who had boeu landed on
                  the 1st April from S. S. “ Zayani.” There were 10 cases and 3 deaths. On
                  discovery of the cases at Busbire, a wire was sent to the Port Health Officer,
                  Bombay, requesting him to have the ship disinfected on her arrival in Bombay.
                  This was accordingly performed.
                      On her next trip up the Gulf the ship was again found to be infected, she
                  was sent to Mohammerah for disinfection and deratisation.
                      On the 18tli of May a single case of plague of obscure origin occurred in
                  the town of Bushire. The usual measures were taken and there was no spread.
                     In the end of January, the Sanitary Council granted Quarantine powers
                  to tho Port Health Officer, Abadan.
                     The Clayton barge, formerly stationed at Mohammerah, was transferred
                  to Basrah during the year.
                     Surveillance for first and second class passengers, in lieu of isolation on
                  Quarantine Island, was introduced in the beginning of November.

                                    Statement of veuelt calling at Gulf Porte.

                                        Number  Number  Number of   Number of
                          Station.       of       Of    passenger*   passoiigen   RllfJLBKf.
                                        ▼easels.  crew.  on board.  lor Ports.
                 Buhir#   .                212   18,120   16,682   2.3C8
                 Mcbaramerab               2C7   21,620   13,103   4,859  llncludea  09
                 Lbgab                     28    2,404    2.786      060  vessel* calllof
                 Bandar Abba*              84    7,030    4,481    1,008  at Abadan.
                 Jtsk .   .                20    1,630     432      304
                 Kuwait   •                30    2,916    1,600     433
                 Bahrain* •                67    6,429    4,187    2,396
                               Total       COS   69,020   42,220   11.888
                                               j. McPherson, j/ajor,
                                                      Residency Surgeon, Rushire.
   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439