Page 476 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 476

                     Tho Consular escort of this Consulate proceeded to Ispahan with Colonel
                                                Kennion on 21th June cn route to KCn
                            Conaa’ar eroorJi.
                                                manshah. Tho Military Authorities at
                  Basrah have provided this Consulate with a Native Infantry guard consisting of
                  ono Non-Commissioned Officer and G men. The guard is relieved every month
                  by another detachment. The arrangement has worked satisfactorily.
                     The Department worked satisfactorily throughout the year in charge of
                                                Monsieur Van den Abcclo. Monsieur
                                                Graux held charge of tlie Customs House
                                                at Abwaz during the year.
                     Messrs. Strick, Scott and Co. carried on regularly the weekly postal service
                                                by motor launch between Mohamracrah
                                                and Alrwaz. The Company’s Stein
                  Wheeler " Aminiyeh ” also carried excess parcels and mails to Ahwaz. a.
                 branch post office was opened at Abadan, in October, and the mails between
                 Abadan and .Mohammerah arc conveyed by runners. Tho Sub-Postmaster at
                 Abadan is also in charge of the Telegraph Office there.
                     The telegraph lino between Moharnmerah, Ahwaz, Shushtar, DJzful and
                                                Bchbcban was notin any way interfered
                             Telegraph *.
                                                with during the year.
                     The Anglo-Pcrsian. Oil Company carried on their work during the year
                                                and their double pipe line was nearing
                            British interests.
                                                completion at the end of the year. Their
                 Stern Wheeler “ Aminiyeh ” made weekly trips up the river Karun carrying
                 mostly pipe line material and occasionally Government specie and Military
                     The Company, in addition to the Admiralty work, undertook the re-erection
                 of the India Office River Craft both at Abadan aDd Mohammerah. This was
                 continued until the end of November when the Basrah Authorities took charge
                 of the work.
                     Messr-% Lynch Brothers, Limited, continued their business. They brought
                 out two launches from England in March and commenced a daily passeuger
                 service between Basrah and Mohammerah. The daily mails, which hitherto
                 were run up to Basrah by Messrs. Stride, Scott & Company, were taken over by
                 Lynch Brothers in September. They have been carrying to and bringing down
                 cargo from Ahwaz by means of Country Craft. Owing to the continued
                 insecurity of the Bushire-Shiraz road the Busline merchants continued sending
                 their merchandise via Mohammerah and also exported their opium and gum
                 by the same route.
                     On the 16th January a fracas occurred at Abadan villase between some
                                                Pathans and Chittagonians which resulted
                     Polico at Abadan and Mohammerah.
                                                in the death of two Patbans and a good
                 many injured on both sides. The matter was at once reported to the Chief
                 Political Officer and the Basrah Police took up the investigation of the case.
                 Major Mosse, Special Judicial Assistant to the Political Resident in the Persian
                 Gulf, was deputed to try the case at Abadan and sentenced the guilty to various
                 terms of transportation. A short time after the Basrah Authorities sent a
                 detachment of 60 Sepoys to Abadau to keep order among the Indians. The
                 detachment was laier withdrawn and a Police Force of 2 Head Constables and
                 20 Constables under an Inspector was established at Abadan. The force v**
                 subsequently increased to 30 Constables.
                     A Pathan employee of the India Office River Craft Yard at Mohammerab
                ran amok on the 9th July and killed another Pathan. This case was taken UP
                by the Polico Authorities and the man was tried at Basrah. He was found
                guilty and publicly executed. This tragedy led to the establishment of a
                Police Force of 1 Constable and 10 men at the River Craft Yard at Mobam*
                morah and was also subsequently increased to 20.
                    On September 24th a Convalescent 3)ep6t both for British and India®
                                               troops was, with tho consent of the Shai*®
                      hlllllarjr CoDvoloacent J)ep6t.  of Mohammerah, established at Khonjb®
                about 2 miles from the Consulate up the river Karim. The Shaikh ba*

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