Page 474 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 474


                                          CHAPTER VI.
                                          THE YEAR 1016.

                     Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Reunion, I. A., bold charge of tho Consulate
                                               from 1st Jauuary to 23rd June -when he
                            Pen iiiikL
                                               liaudcd over charge to Assistant Surgeon
                 C. H. Lincoln, Acting Vice-Consul, who acted as Consul until the end of the
                     Lieutenant-Colonel Kennion left Mohammerah on the 21th June for
                 Aliwaz and Ispahan cn route to Kormanshah.
                     Captain E. Neel, LA., held charge of the Vice-Consulate at Ahwaz
                 throughout the year. Ho proceeded to tho Bakhtiari country in June and had
                 not returned to bis Headquarters till the close of the year.
                     During his absence the Assistant Political Officer with tho troops at Ahwaz
                 carried out the current duties of his office.
                     Mr. E. B- Soane was appointed Assistant Political Officer at Dizful in Juno
                 and Mr. C. J. Edmonds was appointed Assistant Political Officer at Shushtar in
                 December, since when good order and peace prevails in both districts.
                     His Excellency Sir Khazal Khan, G O.I.E., K.O.S.I., K.C.I.E., has remained
                                               ruler of South Arabistan and tho various
                            Local official*.
                                               Arab tribes inhabiting North Arabistan.
                 For his valuable services to the British Authorities in Mesopotamia and Arabistan
                 His Majesty the King Emperor couferred on liioi the title of G. C. I. E.
                     The Shaikh proceeded to Idrisiyeh on the 13th January 1916 where
                 ho summoned all his tribal Chiefs aud remained there with them till the 27th
                     From Juno to December the Shaikh visited Kuwait three times and made
                 lengthy stays of two or three months each time.
                     Shaikh Jabir bin Mubarak of Kuwait paid a visit to Shaikh Sir Khazal
                 Khan on the 19th August and returned to Kuwait on the 23rd August.
                    8haikh Chasib Khan bin Khazal Khan was appointed Collector of Date and
                 other revenue at Mobammerah during the year and appears to have performed
                 his duties satisfactorily.
                     Shaikh Hanzal, Deputy Governor of Ahwaz, died of heat stroke at Ahwaz
                on the 18th July. His Excellency the Shaikh was. absent at Kuwait at the
                     Haji Nassar, the Shaikh’s cousin, was sent to Ahwaz to take over
                the reins of Government temporarily, and until the Shaikh’s return from
                 Kuwait, when Shaikh Saltan (Hanzal’s son) was appointed with Mulla Abdul
                Saiyid, the Shaikh’s Deputy at Zaidoon,as his adviser. The Shaikh, who was
                appointed temporary Governor-General of Arabistan in 1915 in place of
                Nizam-us-Sultaneli, continued to rule until April when Prince Rukn-ud*
                Dowleh was appointed Governor-General of Arabistan, Burujird and Luristan.
                He remainded at Burujird and did not come to Arabistan, and in June
                appointed his son Prir.ce Ain-ul-Mulk, Governor-General of Arabistan. TJ»«
                latter arrived at Mohammcrah at the beginning of August and after visit*
                ing the Chief Political Officer and tho Shaikh proceeded to Shushtar.
                    "Waqar-ul-Mulk, the Deputy Governor, left Shushtar for Ispahan at the
                end of June.
                    Prince Asad-ud-Dowloh arrived at Ahwaz from Tehran about tho middit*
                of June os Deputy Governor of Arabistan and continued as such under Ain-ul*
                Hulk till the end of the year.
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