Page 470 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 470

                   mad'Khan who provido the guards. Tlio arrangement haa worked very satis,
                   factorily and no act of aggression has since been brought to notice.
                       Tho strength of the irilitary detachment was ICO rank and filo, two
                                                 British and two Indian officers.
                           Milltarj tlcUcliment.
                       The following Royal Navy ships visited Charbar during the year
                                „               H. M. S. ” Philomel,” " Pyramus -
                                N*rJ*           “ Dalhousio,” u Bramble, ” “ Britomait*
                                                 “ Clio” and “ Mozaffer.”
                       Munshi.Abdul Rahim was Native Assistant, Gwadur, during the year. H0
                   attained the ago of 55 years on 1st July 1915, but his retention in Government
                   service has been sanctioned for a further period of two years.
                       Prince Salim was Wali up to 10th October on which date ho was recalled
                                                 to Maskat under tho orders of His Highness
                                                 the Sultan. Ho was succeeded by Saiyid
                                                 Saif bin Badar.
                       A fort on the narrow neck of land south of tho town was completed in July.
                                                 Its completion was made tho occasion for
                            CoK'kUUng incident.
                                                 the killing of a cow and tho exposure of
                   its carcase in the town. The Hindus closed their shops and quartered them­
                   selves in the telegraph office premises and addressed complaints to the Deputy
                   Resident and Director. The Hiudus at Maskat also closed their shops Re­
                   presentations were made by the Political Agent, Maskat, to His Highness the
                   Sultan. Under the orders of the latter the Wali issued a proclamation which
                   satisfied tho Hindus who then returned to the town.
                      The management of His Highness the Sultan’s customs has remained in
                                                 the hands of Seth Muhammad Rahmoo.
                      All disputes among British Indian subjects were settled by arbitration on
                                                 the spot or by correspondence with the
                                                 Director at Karachi
                      Six fugitive slaves took refuge in the office of tho Native Assistant during
                                                 the year. All of them were sent to Kara­
                               Sl« ret.
                                                 chi at Government expense.
                                                              E, GUNTER,
                          Karachi,                  Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs,
                      The 4th April 1917.             In Political Charge Makran Coast.
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