Page 469 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 469

FOR TIIE YEAR 1010.                     45
                The Director left Karachi on the annual tour of inspection on 14th March and,
                                            after visiting all telegraph stations up to
                                            Basrah, returned to Karachi on 29th April.
             On tho up journey Sardars Saiyid IChan and Islam Khan were interviewed at
             rjiarbar and Mir Barkat near Jask. On the return journey tho Director again
               ct Islam Khan at Charbar. Interviews also took place with Sardar Mahmud
             jChan and Din Muhammad Khan, of Dashtyari, Mustafa IChan and Mir Mod
             of Jask and with a son of Mir Moti of Lashat.
                 The Director again left Karachi on tour of inspection on 17th November
             and visited all telegraph offices up to Henjam and a portion of tho new
             Bandar Abbas-ICernian Telegraph line, returning to Karachi on 4th December.
             Interviews with Sardar Islam Khan, who was at Charbar arranging for the
             transport of stores to Gaihfor the Mckran Mission under Major Keyes, took
             place on tho up and down journeys.
                 Mr. Pinscut’s report on the condition of the districts between Jask and
             Bahu is enclosed.
                 Mr. A Robertson was clerk-in-chargc of the Telegraph station up to
             15th May 1916. He was succeeded by Mr. 0. H. St. John.
                 The wireless station at Jask was closed on 22nd November on the Henjam
                                            station being opened.
                     Wireless installation.
                                              No Deputy Governor has been appointed
                       Persian official*.
                                            in place of Sliaik Salclih who left in May
                 Mirza Hussain Khan, Collector of Customs, was relieved in March by
             Hoosa Khan who, in turn, was relieved by Mesh-hedy Abbas in June.
                 The detachment, 94th Pvusscl’a Infantry, was relieved on 22nd October 1916
                     ......   ...»         bv a detachment of the 83rd Wallajaha-
                         y c ac rrcn       bad Light Infantry. The average monthly
             strength of the detachment was ICO men under two British officers.
                                              Jask was visited during the year by
                                             His Majesty’s ships “ Philomel ” and
                                            “ Pyramus.99
                 Mr. P. J. Hughes, Assistant Superintendent, continued to hold charge of
             the telegraph station and to look after the interests of British Indian subjects
             residing at that place. A Kaiser-i-Hind silver medal was granted him in.
             recognition of his services at Charbar.
                                              Mirza Ibrahim Khan was tho Collector
                      Tertian Cartons*.
                                            of Customs throughout the year;
                 Shahdad Abbas and Yusuf Safar were the Walis of Charbar throughout
                                            the year, acting under orders of Mirs Din
                                            Muhammad and Mahmud Khan respect*
                 In March Shahdullah, whose brother was killed in the attack on Charhar
                                            in May 1915, came to Charbar with about
                      Local dtilarbaooe.
                                            40 followers and threatened to .destroy the
             telegraph line, to loot British Indian subjects and to snipe tho station daily
             ^nles3 he receivod blood money. The Oflicor Commanding Troops, in co­
             operation with the Senior Naval Officer (on II. M. S. " Philomel ”) surround-
             *** and captured him together with his brother, Azim Khan, and six
             others. They wore sent to Basrah and thence deported to Burma. In Decem­
             ber 1910, on receipt of a deposit of Bs. 2,000 and a bond for Rs. 3,000 from
             ®ai^or Islam Khan as security for their good behaviour, they were brought back
             10 Charbar and released.
                 As a temporary arrangement, pending the settlement of tho Persian Qua-
             “ms subsidy for tho protection of the village, tho payment of Ba. 450 nor
             jnensom from 1st May was sanctioned by tho Deputy Political Resident. The
             «oney is paid alternately and monthly to Mahmua Khan and Din Muham-
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