Page 483 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 483
69 I
70R THE TEAR 1916.
Owing to tho suspension of the parcel nost to Persia through Russia, an
Itonipt was mado to organise a service from- the south. . Four caravans were
thus despatched, but as two of them were robbed tho project was abandoned.
Tho new 10" pipe-line was completed to Wais in August 1916 This enabled
tho throughput to be put up from 8 to 12
Aogin*Pcriino Oil Company.
M. G. monthly. By iLe end of the year
tbo line was practically complete and testing had commenced.
On Maidan-i-Napbtun, at tho close of 1916, five wells were allowed to
flow and 30 arc capped and with little further work can be produced as
At the White Oil Springs the first test well was carried to 2,095' deep. In
tho spring of 1916 a second test well was started and by the end of tho
year had reached a depth of 1,508 feet. A slight show of White Oil was struck
it 1,060 feet.
Geological surveys were carried out in 191G on the following areas :—
(a) Neighbourhood of Maidan-i-Naplitun, extending from, the Gulistan
River on tho nortli-wcst to Gach Chusar on the south-east
and from Darageudi Gorge on the north-east to the Labar
Plain on the south-west, area examined 150—200 square
(5) The Derra Qil area and its neighbourhood and the north-western
part of the Asmaii Hill and alon» the Tcmbi River for six to
eight miles eastwards of the Asmari Hill.
(c) rihe Manyur-Misdakh Range for a distance of CO miles from the
Kartell Biver to the Dowainj.
(d) Qilab oil shows.
The question of a fresh water-supply for the fields is still under discus
sion, but opinion is now in favour of the ICarun being utilized from the north
of the fields. There is little doubt that this scheme will be put through at an
early date as the problem of a fresh water-supply for the fields is becoming
acute. The alternative scheme was to tap the Gargar river at Darreh-Khazineh
and carry the water pipe line up to the fields along the Company’s Cart Road.
An analysis of the water from this source gave satisfactory results.
The Company have determined to use electric power for drilling and other
work on the fields and for this purpose will lay down a Central power station
at Tembeh.
Duprotary. The attendance number* were . 5,627
Minor operations performed • 171
Major ditto 1
Britah Post Officfl. Total number of letters dealt with 1,25,826
Ditto parcels M • 6.46#
Ditto V. P. Parcels dealt with • 2,212
Ditto Money Orders „ • 5,228
Total value of the Money Orders deal.'; with B2,09,670
The Russian Consular authorities at Ispahan have shown considerable in-
r . i ♦ clination to create a Russian interest in
Foreign Bakhtiari. Saifullah Khan at Dizak acts
88 their newswriter. They have made several attempts to enter into oommuni-
j-ation with the Khans. In the autumn they confiscated the village of Chamkaka
elonging to Agha Nourullah and situated in Chahar Mahal, without inform-
5? UB* A. few days later the village was confiscated by His Britannic Majesty’*
ico-Con8ul. The Russian Consul could not give effect to his action and the
Ulage is therefore in our possession.
E. NOEL, Captain, I. A.t
Sit Britannic Majetty's Vice-Contul,
x 2