Page 485 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 485
FOR TIIB YEAR 1916. 61
Jlaji llkhani Branch.
Jhijulr-ct-SuUan.—Nonentity and a buffoon. Ills lost all his money..
Inane.—Bniiadur-es-Sulfcaneb.—Musa Kluuf!—Captured at Shush.
Released and joined Turks in August.
Amir Mnfakham.—Has definitely severed his connection with Baklitiari,
.narriod out of tribe and settled at Kamarck. Said to have thrown in his lot
with Turks.
Issue.—Eathalli Khan escaped at Shush in April 1916, rejoined Turks
in August 1916.
Sardari Moazam escaped at Shush in April 1916, rejoined Turks in
August 191G.
Saifullah Khan.—Russian newswriter in Cbahar Mahal.
Yadullah Khan.—One of Khans who escaped at Shush in April 1916,
rejoined Turks in August 1916.
Sardar Mulitasliam.
Ilkhani—Did us well in summer of 1916, but since then has become
coured by general repressive measure undertaken ogaiust tribe.
Issue.—Ali Iteza Khan—Governor, Chahar Mahal. Educated Belgium
and England. A good type of young Khan.
Amir Mansur Khan— Governor. Andakah.—Unformed character—
Educated in Eracce.
Salar Akrani—Abdul Hussain Khan—Governor, Behbebanl Did
a lot of looting in Burburud in August 1916.
Sardar Jang.—Virtually prisoner in Tehran. Yery discontented and not
iikely to accept quietly new regimd.
Principal issue.—Gkularn Reza Khan
] Educated in France.
Sardar Ashjah.
Muhtasham’s assistant in low country. In bad odour with us owing to
his conduct at Ispahan.
Sa lar-i-Ash raf.—N onent ity.
Sardar Fateh.—With Ilkhani—His sympathies are with our enemies but
he is not likely to make much trouble.
Other important Khans of the JJaji Ilkhani Branch arei—
(I) Shahab-es-Sultaneh—Sultan Ali Khan.
(II) Shiam-es-Sultaneh—Ghulam Ali Khan.
I.—Enjoys a good deal of influence and is capable in a Lurish way. (II)
The following are the leading Khans outside the two ruling families
Zargham*e8-Sultaneh.—Ibrahim Khan—At Paradumbeh, a bigoted old
man and staunoh upholder of our enomies cause. He deserves chastisement.
Issue.—Ali Reza Khan.—At enmity with his father whom we are urging
him to capture.
Abul Qasim Khan.—We broke up his party at Shush. He
rejoined Turks in September 1910.
< Sardar Hishmat.—Amanullah Khan—Brother of Zargham—with whom
he is on bad terms. Well disposed,
Sardar Arshad.—Eathullah Khan—Married to Bebi Miriam, but driven
in?? ky her. When Bebi Miriam’s property was confiscated, in Soptember
. 8ardar Arshad was invited to return to Bakhtiari and take it oyer. Has
81gned agreement with us.