Page 519 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 519


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                                      CHAPTER L
                                       YBAR 1917.
                The Hon’ble Lieutenant-Colonel (now Major-General) Sir P. Z. Cox,
                        „    .            G.C.I.E., K.C.S I., continued to hold
                                          charge of the office of Political Resident
             in the Persian Gulf, but his duties as Chief Political Officer with the Meso­
             potamian Expeditionary Force kept him in Mesopotamia.
                Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) A* P. Trevor, C.I.E., continued to hold
             the post of Deputy Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, and Etta Majesty’s
             Ac&ag Consul-General, Bushire, until November 27th when he left for England
             on rick leave. He was succeeded by Mr. J. EL Bill, I.C.8., who arrived on
             December 21st
                Major M. B. Eae was First Assistant Resident throughout the year, and
             the post of Second Assistant Resident was held by Mr, Duncan Willey until
             April 4th, the latter being relieved by Mr. Vice-Consul Worrall, who was
             riiezdy in Bushire as additional Vico-Consul.
                Mr. Vice-Consul H. G. Chick,   wa3 in charge of the Vice-Consulate
             throughout the year, and the Post of Consular Assistant remained vacant.
                Major J. McPherson, I.M.S., was Residency Surgeon and Chief Quaran­
             tine Medical Officer in the Persian Gulf throughout the year.
                Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. K. Gough was His Majesty’s Consul at Shiraz
                                           throughout the year.
                Monsieur Loiko continued to act as Imperial Consul-General for Russia
                                           during the year.
                   Foreiga RopcwnbUra.
                Monsieur R. Yadala was Vice-Consul for France throughout the year.
                The Turkish and German Consulates remained closed.
                His Excellency Ahmed Khan Sardar, D^rya Begi, was Governor of the
                     Local QoTmunrmL       Gulf Forts, throughout the year; and His
              v                            Highness: Suleiman Mirza remained in
                        Finance Department, and aoted as Deputy Governor whenever
              a* Darya Begi was absent. The latter showed considerable activity during
              ** year, touring throughout the whole Gulf ooast.        "      u
                His Royal Highness Farman Farraa held this important post throughout
                   &0T«raor'Gefian2 of Fin.  the whole year, and proved himself a
                                           reliable friend to British interests.
                Monsieur Bourgeois remained in charge as Provincial Director of Customs-
                                           throughout the year.
                         Casio Q».
                At the close of 1916 the garrison consisted of one sauadron lfiih Lancers,
                 ***** Hiitury Fom u       one detachment Indian Mountain Artillery
                                           with two guns, the 14th Sikhs and 2-22nd
                                           Punjab Infanty,
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