Page 522 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 522
tend to attract other Kuhgelu Khans to Bohbehan. The dcfoncolcss town*,
people escaped lightly on the whole with a payment of Tomans 500 from each
of the two quarters.
Friendly relations between the Boir Ahmadi Garmsiri Khans and the
Residency were further developed during the year. These are of value for th®
promotion of order along the trade route from Dilam to Behbehan, and also
as imposing a cheek on Wassmuss’ intrigues in this region. Friendly settle
ments wore successfully promoted between the Khans on the one hand, and the
Zeidun Agent of the Shaikh of Mohammerah, as well as the Khan of Lirawi,
on .the other.
Under the strong and wise management of Haidar Khan. C.I.B , these con.
federate Khans maintained excellent order
Tm Hajat Dtnd confederacy.
in thoir districts and peace among them-
selves throughout the year. Haidar Khan has made a considerable profit out
of the quarrying operations undertaken for the Mesopotamian Expeditionary
Force on his island of Kbarag, and has been indefatigable in arranging for a
regular supply of sailing ships. The Khan of Angali has been involved in
considerable expenditure by the hostilities above-mentioned with Shaikh
Hussain of Chahkutah, but has also profited by the increase in the quantity of
goods imported vid Shif.
Smuggling continued rife, especially in the petty ports of Tangistan. The
rebel Khans of that district drew a very
Peif-tn Ettoral South of Bush ire.
large revenue from it, mainly through the
port of Dilwar. Further south a afeplorable effect was produced by the
aciiritjes of Qawam-ul-Mulk in reversing various administrative measures
taken by the Darya Begi as a result of the murder of the Residency Agent at
Lingah. This subject is fully treated in the Lingah report.
Six slaves were manumitted during the
Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
Bus hi re ;
The Ut August 1918.