Page 54 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 54


                       and has always been most friendly disposed towards British subjects. "Wlri
                       not a man of much force of character or influence, he does his best to obt •
                       a settlement of outstanding claims against Persian subjects, and generally
                       with a fair measure of success; he is a very satisfactory man for the post. *
                          ' Monsieur Zwinne held the post ol' Director of Customs up to the 23rd Jni
                                                       when he was relieved by Monsieur Co/
                            Conduct of Director of Cuatomi.
                                                       letto from Lingah, who in turn
                       relieved by Monsieur Zwinne, on 1st December. The latter continued to hold
                       the post to the end of the year.
                           The feature of the administration this year has been the handing over to
                       the Director of Customs entire control of the finances of the district.. Dnder the
                       previous system the Deputy Governor used to collect and pay to the Governor
                       of the Gulf Ports the revenue of the district minus such charges as pay
                       of tufangchis, etc., which he could get his superior to allow, and anythin®
                       additional to these which he could extract from the local inhabitants went into
                       his own pocket, and formed his salary. In February the Deputy-Governor
                       was informed that, from the beginning of the next Persian year, i.e., from 2lst
                       March, the revenue should be paid to the Director of Customs who would pay
                       the Deputy Governor such sum as might be fixed as his salary, and as pay for
                       his establishment, tufangchis, etc. The introduction of this system, which was
                       consequent on the appointment of Monsieur Mornard as Treasurer-General,
                       completely altered the status of the Director of Customs and, from being an
                       official appointed to perform certain well-defined and limited functions, he
                       became a factor in the local political situation and in some ways the most
                       influential person in the district. As controller of the puree he could bring
                       considerable pressure to bear on ail Persian officials, who naturally found it to
                       their interest to adopt a subservient attitude towards him, and his functions
                       were extended to every branch of the civil administration.
                           As was mentioned in last year’s report, Monsieur Zwinne was very lax in
                       exercising supervision over liis subordinates; be attended office but seldom, and
                       left everything in their hands. As he was also a person with strong likes and
                       dislikes, the result was that certain Customs employes who stood high in his
                       favour obtained an unduly influential position at the customs and, in many
                       instances, adopted a very high-handed attitude towards the mercantile commun­
                       ity, who had no redress, as the Director of Customs was seldom at the office and
                       even then could only be approached through his interpreter. On assuming
                       charge of the finances Monsieur Zwinne announced the introduction of various
                       local taxes, which had been abolished by, and in abeyance since, the Ancrlo-
                       Persian Commercial Convention of 1903. The irritation caused by the conduct
                       of the Customs employes was augmented by the introduction of these taxes and
                       finally culminated, on 5th April, in all the Persian merchants of the town clos­
                       ing their shops and taking “bast” at the Persian Telegraph office, demanding
                       the dismissal of two Customs employes, a Monsieur Pater, a Dutch subject, and
                       a Persian by name ^lirza Husein Khan. Monsieur Zwinne appears to bare
                       reported to Tehran that their action was really a protest against the introduction
                       of the new taxes and was fomented by the local priests "and the local agent of
                      the Moin-ut-Tujjar of Tehran, and asked that the latter should he expelled from
                       the town. Monsieur Mornard approached His Majesty’s Minister on* the sub*
                       ject, and the latter asked for the views of His Majesty’s Consul. On receipt
                       of this telegram the latter interviewed Monsieur Zwinne and after some dis­
                      cussion Monsieur Zwinne agreed that Monsieur Pater should be transferred to
                      Cbarbar by the first steamer and that he would hold an enquiry into any specific
                      complaints that might be put forward against Mirza Husein Khan. Negotia­
                      tions were then carried on through the Misbah-i-Diwan with the merclian *
                      and finally, on the 12th April, they met Monsieur Zwinne at the Consular
                      and there Idle above terms were formally agreed to by both parties, tuc
                      merchants left " bast ” and the bazaars were opened.
                          The Misbah-i-Diwan undoubtedly rendered valuable assistance in this
                      Monsieur Zwinne had on one or two occasions complained to Captain Bisc°e .
                      the effect that-he found him difficult to deal with in financial matters, e.
                      suggested the possibility of replacing him: the latter however stated that, on ^
                      whole, the Misbah-i-Diwan worked well as far as he was concerned, and u~ve(j
                      Monsieur Zwinne could name a really satisfactory substitute he was not prep
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