Page 58 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 58
station. It is a great improvement on the previous building, the accommodation
in which was most indifferent.
During the year under review there has been little or no direct import of
arms in or around Bandar Abbas. 4
Arina Traffic.
certain number of rifles were brought into
the town overland from the direction of Lingah. The traffic is in the hand*
of certain Ewasi merchants who dispose of the rifles to caravans from the
interior, a certain number being also sent through Minab into Persian Balu.
ohistan. The traffic however has heoome considerably attenuated of lat e
In June a consignment of coal was put down at Hcniam for the use of
His Majesty’s ships. The coal dop6t at Basidu possesses but little shelter from
the North-\7e3t wind and the entrance is blocked by a 6hoal, which renders it
difficult for tho largest 6hipB to approach. Henjam possesses a sheltered
anchorage, is easy of access and centrally situated. As soon as the supply of
ooal at Baadu is exhausted, His Majesty’s ships will coal at Henjam, 60 tons
only being left at Basidu.
Thirty slaves took refuge at tho Consulate during the past year, out of
which number 13 were manumitted, the
• Blares.
remainder being either restored amicably
to their masters, or' leaving the Consulate while their cases were under
His Majesty’s Consul visited Baridu and
Lingah in December.
Tho Resident arrived in the R. I. II. 8. u Investigator ” on the 6th
and left on the 10th June.
H. V. BISCOE, Captain,
Assistant Resident and
His Britannic Zlajesty'i
Consul, Bandar Abbas.