Page 540 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 540

                    rate of exchange), Kcro3ino from 5-7 Krans to 9-10 Krans per man (equiv-
                    lent to about Its 23 per 4-gallon tin).
                        Mu,ch inconvenience was also caused in the town by the high price of
                    firewood, which partly owing to shortage of transport and partly to tbo
                    enormous consumption by the South Persia Rifles (10 Kharwars a day)  »rose
                    to 30—32 Krans per Kbarwar or roughly Rs. 2-4 per Indian maund.
                        The province was remarkably free from internal disturbances during the
                                                  year under report, in spite of the scarcity
                                                  and the efforts of the Democrats de­
                    scribed above. In the west of the province the outlawed Hussain Khan
                    Bucbaqchi with Shahzada Hussain and the Turkish “ Ambassador ” Obeid.
                    ulla managed to evade the efforts made by the Saidabad garrison to capture
                    them. They took refuge at first in Kuhisian on the Faro side of the border
                    later among the fastnesses of the Chehar Gumbaz range and were
                    no doubt in regular communication with the Germau and Austrian
                    c^-prisonere in Fare and with Wassmuss at Ahram. Although, how­
                    ever Hussain Khan’s brothers, Murad Khan Shikuh-us*Sult3n and Bahman
                    Agha and other Buchaqchis at Saidabad undoubtedly helped him Becretly
                    while professing eternal friendship with the British the Buchaqchi tribe
                    as a whole was quiet, and the rebels did not dare to repeat their attempt on
                    Saidabad of the previous September. In August they made their way via. Yezd
                    territory to Tehran where they were received with open arms by the anti-British
                    party. This lack of enterprise on the part of our enemies of the year before
                    was undoubtedly due to the march through the province of the Shiraz Rein­
                    forcements CoLurnn, in February acd March, and to the strengthening of the
                    SeHabad garrison from it. The Column, which consisted of 20 British officers,
                    4-S British Kon-Commirsioned Officers and 1,400 Indian Officers and men of the
                    16th Rajputs, Burma Mounted Infantry and miscellaneous details, reached
                    Saidabad in two echelons on ISih and 24th if arch respectively. Half of the
                    Burma Mounted iLf-antry were left there, and the town was shortly afterwards
                    made the headquarters of the Yllh South Persia Rifles Infantry.
                        flermashir, Jvrvfl and Rzidbar suffered as usual from the incursions and
                    general turbulence of the neighbouring Baluch. At the beginning of the year
                    the Governor of Bam was forced to enrol 150 levies in addition to the 100
                    already kept up for the defence and policing of Bam and Narmashir. Apart
                    from ordinary Baluch lawlessness, the chief feud of the early part of the year
                    was  betwecnBahram Khan of Bam pur and Nawab Khan BamerL This began
                    with the killing of tvro of Bzhram Khan's kinsmen by Jallal Khan, son of Nawab
                    Khan, in December, and in February Bahrain Khan, accompanied by Jihand
                    and Sbabsmrar Khan (the leaders of the 1913 invasion), entered Narmashir
                    with a strong force asd worsled the Bamcris first near Righan and again at
                    Rig-i-Sistani. Oae cf NawzJb Khan?s sons was killed and another seriously
                    wounded, and his fort at Chah Digal was besieged. Bahram Khan eventually
                    returned to Baiucbisfcsx with targe quantities of loot, but one of the chiefs who
                   accompanied him, Waif Muhammad Khan, shortly afterwards fought Jallal
                    Khan on his own account and again raided Narmashir and Jiruft about the
                   middle of April. He was helped by Juma Bahadur of Shah Wali Bor and
                   the raid assumed dangerous proportions. The levies of: the Bam Governor,
                   however,;heldvthe passes of the' Jebel Barez. range, and Wali Muhammad after
                   looting Jiruft and Rudbar returned' to Bam pur.
                       For the rest of the summer peace reigned, except for the ambushing of
                   one of Bahrain Khan’t caravans by Zaman Khan, eon of Nawab Khan, id
                   July, and an abortive attempt by Islam Khan to invade Bampur with forces
                   from Kcch Mekran in August During the latter half of the year the people
                   of Bam and Karmashir enjoyed a security of life and property to which they
                   had long been unaccustomed. •                                 ..
                       The only other event of importance during the year was a feud betwee
                   Islam Khan and his bi others Mirza Khan and Saheb Khan over the
                   the Baluchistan Khalisajafc revenues. I*lam Khan's brothers called in Bahra
                   Jfhan against him, and a battle was fought in August at Bint in which can
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